Chapter Thirty Six: Meeting the Queen and Princess

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"Oh I'm sorry this is my sister Sarah." Bianca smiled. "She is also Damien's mate." Brody grinned. "So she's family." Abigail beamed pulling Sarah into her arms. "It is so nice to meet you both." Sarah smiled as Solara joined their embrace.

"I can't believe it I have another new sister." Solara beamed. "Once Lance and Travis find their mates you will have two more new sisters." Brody laughed. "I think it'll be more like another sister and another brother." Sarah laughed. "I have to agree with her I do believe Lance's mate will be male." Bianca added.

"As long as he is happy." Solara smiled. "I agree I have told him numerous times that he doesn't have to hide his true self around us because we will love him and his mate no matter who they are." Bianca smiled. "I have even told him that he should be himself but he hides his true self because he is afraid father will go crazy on him if he knew." Brody added.

"I miss my babies I bet they don't even remember me they were so young when your father ordered our deaths." Abigail began to cry. "Don't worry, I made sure to tell them lots of stories about both of you and yes they do remember you." Brody reassured them.

"Oh good the kids are home." Solara smiled. "Lani, Tawni, Damon, and Brady come in here once you put your stuff in your rooms." Draven hollered at the kids as they walked through the door. "If you're wondering yes the boys are named similar to you and Damien and the girls have the same first letter as Lance and Travis." Solara smiled.

"I think it's cool that you named them with your brothers in mind it goes to show that you never forgot about us." Brody smiled hugging her. "Of course we didn't forget about you in fact we thought about all of you everyday wondering if we were ever going to see you again." Abigail chimed in.

"What is going on who are they?" Lani asked as her and Tawni walked into the living room first. Solara started to introduce them but Brady ran into the room throwing his arms around Brody.

"It's Uncle Brody." he yelled as he attacked him. "He is right it's your Uncle Brody, Aunt Bianca, your cousin Hope and Aunt Sarah." Draven said as they all sat down. "Cool we have two aunts and a cousin." Tawni smiled as she hugged them. "Sarah is your Uncle Damien's mate." Solara said as she watched her children interact with family she thought they wouldn't ever get to know.

"Is Uncle Damien here?" Damon asked looking around. "Sadly no but I'm sure he will be super excited to meet you." Sarah smiled as she hugged him. "Wait are we going to leave the city and be with our family?" Lani asked.

"We really haven't discussed that yet." Solara replied looking at Draven. "If we do that would make us princesses and princes right?" Tawni asked grinning. "You are already royalty by blood but yes if we go back their you will have your titles." she replied.

"Your mother and I haven't had time to really discuss what we are going to do yet so don't go getting your hopes up." Draven said as he watched his kids all start frowning. "Your father didn't say we weren't going to leave just that we haven't talked about it yet." Solara reassured them.

"I think before you bring your family to the castle that father should be dealt with first." Brody spoke up. "Yes I agree." Abigail added. "Trust me I wouldn't let them go anywhere near that man." Solara growled. "If they wanted to leave when we do they could always stay in the woods at the cabin with the twins and the Daniels." Bianca said.

"Who are the Daniels?" Abigail asked. "They are Sarah's parents and Bianca's adopted parent's." Draven answered her. "They would be in good hands with them that is where Hope and Bianca will be going when we return." Brody smiled as he began wrestling with the boys.

"That is definitely something to think about." Solara smiled. "I think we should get started on supper before it gets too late." Abigail said standing up. "Yep and kids you need to get started on your homework." Solara added following her mother into the kitchen.

Bianca and Sarah made their way into the kitchen to help with dinner while the guys brought Samuel up to speed on things when he returned from guarding Matteo. Once they had finished eating and cleaned up they watched a movie before all the kids went to bed. Then they started planning how they were going to deal with the king when they returned home.

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