First Kiss (Nordics)

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First of all,I want to thank everyone who actually cared for me,just that made me happy,knowing that there still is a reason to live for,I love you guys <3


You and the nordics were playing "spin the bottle" and you were dying to get Lukas,you were the first one to spin it,

When you spun it,it landed on Matthias,yup!the one and only done!

Your eyes widened in shock as Matthias smirked,you didn't want to kiss him you wanted to kiss Lukas!

Matthias started leaning in but suddenly was pulled back roughly,

"Don't you even dare" Lukas mumbled as he bitch-slapped Matthias then leaned in and kissed you,with a whiny little moe baby called Matthias crying in the back ground "Nooooooorgeeeeee it hurrrrrrrrtsssssssssss".


I'm not doing this one *slaps self*
I can't *slaps self*
but I can't *slaps self*
*dies in the background*ICEY I LOVE Y--*shot*

You were wandering in the market grabbing every kind of sweets you saw and throwing it in your cart,
That was until you saw pocky,the thingy you've always been hearing about,you grabbed it and looked at it,

"yay!sounds yummy" (that's what I always say so reader-chan shall be as stupid as me XD) you smiled and threw the chocolate-flavored one in your cart,

'I bet Emil (AUTOCORRECT STOP CORRECTING EMIL TO EMILY OR EMINEM WTF) will like this~ ' you thought walking to the Nordics' place.

"HEY ICEY GUESS WHAT I'VE GOT!" You activated Denmark mode as you burst through the door,Emil screamed like a little girl,

"get your crap together dude it's me" you sweat-dropped,"anyway I got pocky!" You exclaimed showing him it,

"Chocolate-flavored?" He raised an eyebrow at you,(it's my fav ^-^)

"yup!try it ~" you shoved one down his throat,(omg XD)

"HEYYY KIDS,Y'KNOW THERE IS SOMETHING CALLED THE "POCKY GAME" ?" a wild Matthias appeared as he smirked at the two of you,and Emil knew that he was up to no good,just like the usual ,

" a game?what game?I love games!tell me!tell me already!" (why is reader-chan so me here?XD) Your eyes sparkled as you grinned widely,

Matthias explained to you how to play that game and you looked at Emil,"pweaaaaaseeeeeeeee!" You gave him puppy eyes and he blushed like a small tomato,

"o-okay.." he mumbled,"BUT MATTHIAS WILL HAVE TO GET. OUT." he burst all of sudden and Mathhias shrugged and pinched his cheek,"awwww,okay!" Matthias said as he walked out,

once you and Iceland started playing the game,you felt yourself blush realizing that this is going to be your first kiss ever,you closed your eyes as you felt Emil's lips touch yours,

you stayed like that for two seconds until you two heard cheering,you two pulled back in shock seeing all of the other Nordic guys watching you,

"MATTHIAS YOU'RE DEAD!" Emil yelled as he chased after Matthias,Lukas had a tear in his left eye,he wiped it dramatically,

"my little brother has grown up" he smiled and fainted into Tino's arms,

"wAIT --DID LUKAS JUST FAINT?!" You yelled as you started taking photos.

(Whoa that was too long "0" or so I felt)

Dorkmark--I mean DENMARK:

You two were playing with legos (HA!SO NOT CLICHE!I'M AWESOME LIKE THAT XD) when you looked at Matthias' holy fort of legos,it was enormous,whoa,just,how could he build that!you could live in there!

You were jealous,looking at the small wall you've built,yeah,just a wall,too much for legos,so if you can't have the enormous holy fort,no one will!

You jumped at Matthias' huge creation "HORRAY FOR OUR LAND" you yelled as you crashed into the pile of legos which became randomly thrown everywhere,

"(y/n)!building that needs a life time!!" He pretended to cry as you started regretting it,

"how can I make it up for you?" You asked,and he looked up at you like a small little kid,

"kiss me" he said innocently with puppy eyes,and you felt yourself blush the darkest shade of red out there,

"o-okay!" You mumbled and kissed him,then he started ruffling your hair,

"YOU TRAITOR!" You yelled and started chasing after him,laughing.

Finland,moi moi!:

You and Tino were cleaning the house,you eventually got tired and collapsed on the floor,"oh my,working is such an effort" you sighed as you rolled on your back,

"ehhh!but (y/n) there's still too much work!" Tino looked at you with a puzzled expression,"it's okay,you can take some rest,though" he smiled at you,

You felt guilt for letting him do all the work by himself ," no,no!I'll help" you jumped up,and he grinned happily,

"thanks,(y/n)!"he pecked your cheek lightly,"nuh-uh" you smirked at kissed him on the lips,"like this!" He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

(whoa I fucked up with Tino's one ; A ;)


You watched while your Swedish boyfriend was working on his wooden stuff,you hated it when he gives them all of his time,he was nice and all,but yeah he had that little obsession issue with IKEA ,and wooden stuff...just like Iceland's obsession with his fridge (WHAT HAVE I DONE XD!!)

You sighed as you sat and buried your face in your hands,you were literally dying out of boredom,so you decided to mess with him a little bit,

"Hey Sve~" you smirked as you grabbed some little wooden carving of his,

"mhmm?" He hummed,not even bothering to look at you,

"who do you like more,me or your wooden carvings?" You smirked,

"you" he answered plainly,

"then let's throw this thingy to the outer space ~!" You laughed and rushed towards the window,

"not yet" he grabbed you and flipped you upside down, "LET ME DOWN AHHHHHH!" you yelled as you struggled,he flipped you again then turned you to face him,

"I love you more" was all he said as he kissed you,

Success XD!!

(okay this was random XD)

And because you guys helped me so much and I want to thank you,here ya go,bonus!:

Sealand: (autocorrect corrected it to new Zealand ; A ;):

[you know you want him XD]
[and you're small,just like him,I don't have any idea about his age,but no,you're not twenty and he's like,ten years old,wtf XD]

You sat down waiting for Peter to come back,he was buying some candy for you both,you sighed as you waited imatiently (omg autocorrect said "I'm a tent" oml XDDD) until he finally showed up,

"hey (y/n)!I got your favorite ~ (favorite/candy)!" You grinned widely as you went to snatch it from his hand,

"nuh-uh!" He smirked as he took it and hid it behind his back,"I need something in exchange~!",

"something like what?" You asked,

"something like this~!" he smiled and kissed you,you pulled back after a bit,"now candy!"

(lmao wha--XD)

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