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After Jason and I had fully washed up from our steamy session earlier on we ate together. Jason made burgers for the both of us with a side of salt and vinegar chips (which I instantly devoured) and some fresh lemonade.

It was nice being able to eat with someone and talk to someone for once at dinner time. My family and I never ate together because my dad never made time for us and my mom—well she was just following along like a lost puppy, following his every word.

"Would you like to watch a movie? Maybe play a game?" Jason offered, his big brown eyes glancing over in my general direction.

"Maybe we can watch a movie. I'm a little sore." I smiled at him.

"What would you like to watch Ms. Winters?"

"You pick, let's watch your favorite movie." I said as I got up from the dining table and took his hand in my own; enjoying the extra large t-shirt of his he insisted I wear, even though I brought my own clothes.

"If I put you to sleep I'm sorry." He laughed while he gave my hand a squeeze and led me back into his room. We sat down simultaneously on either side of the bed on the fresh clean sheets. Jason opened up his amazon app on his tv and browsed around for awhile in the comedic section of the movies while I snuggled up under his white duvet and made myself comfortable.

Once Jason put the movie on he got under the duvet as well and cuddled up to me. I rested my head on his chest and diverted my eyes towards the tv, trying my best to pay attention to the movie.

"I'm not sure if you're into like—crime movies, but growing up this was one of my favorite movies." Jason said, running his fingers through my dark brown hair.

"I don't mind them," I mumbled lowly under my breath, yawning shortly afterwards.

As the movie progressed onward my eyes started to feel droopy and I could barely stay awake, but weirdly enough I was aware of my body drifting into oblivion and I just couldn't fight it.


I awoke to the sound of a creak in the wooden floorboard, opening my eyes quickly, but not moving a muscle. My eyes scanned the pitch black room as my fingers wiggled around the mattress feeling for a sign of Jason's presence, but surprisingly he was nowhere to be found.

I sat up from the plush memory foam that rested under my fingers and slipped out of bed before I rubbed my eyes and blinked rapidly, hoping my pupils would adjust to the dark area. I usually wouldn't be so up in arms about where Jason was, but it was still the early morning—probably around three-ish and this wasn't the kind of behavior for a priest.

Quietly, I walked throughout the suite and observed my surroundings to the best of my abilities. I checked each room closest to the master bedroom before I ventured into the living room, examining everything around me and a small light coming from the closet.

It was a vibrant green light that could wake the dead, even though it was small it was incredibly bright.

As I inched closer to the closet I did my best to peer into the open room, Jason was there kneeling in front of what looked to be a book, possibly a Bible.

"Dear Heavenly Father, I am so sorry for the various sins I've committed this past week. I thought this would be my clean slate and the start of my perfectly clean Catholic lifestyle, but she just makes it so hard. When I see her walking around in that short little skirt or those tight fitting khaki shorts I want to explode, just fill that pretty face of hers with my load," he paused, "when her and I had sex yesterday it was magical, it was so passionate and addicting. . . I'm disgusted with my actions as you are Father, but I just don't think I can stop. I want her to sit on my face and stroke my cock until I die."

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