Why Did He Leave?

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A/N: This is about how I need my dad to understand that when he abandoned my twin sister and I, he missed out on two wonderful lives he could've been a part of.

Why did he leave us
Please tell me why
He didn't even visit us
Or even say goodbye.

How did this happen
Were we really that bad
He just walked away
The thought still makes me sad

Were we just that revolting
Is it something we did
We were just little babies
All our emotions we hid

I really wish he knew us
I so desperately wish he cared
I truly wish he wanted us
The times we could've shared

When my mom died,
The funeral he did not attend
When I graduated from elementary
He was a no-show, once again.

We never talk
Frankly, I don't care
He once told Mom "Go to Hell"
Instead, I'll be the one there

Why did you leave us?
With us, it had nothing to do
I am going to live my life the best I can
Although sadly without you.

This one is mine

As always

Until next time

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