Love and Loyalty☝

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A/N: Hey guys I'm all better now and you're gonna get so many updates it will BLOW YOUR MIND. Anyway enjoy. P.s. this is for all my loyal followers whp didn't delete my book even though they didn't get any updates. Thanks guys.

There's a door

In life

Its open to all

Who wish to walk through

It leads to happiness

And a better you

But to get to the other side

There's a decision to make

A choice to decide

Sometimes there's a sacrifice

Sometimes there's pain

But in life

Without losing there's no gain

It's give and take

It's love and loss 

Just a random gamble 

Gotta give the dice a toss

Because in the end

It's not what you had

Or the money you made

It's what in your heart

Even after your body fades

With every scary part

And every gory detail

Doing what feels right

Decides wether you win

Or fail

Walk through the door

Get to the other side

It's worth it all

Forget your damn pride

Choose happiness

And true morality

Nothing means more than family

Love and loyalty

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