joe sugg

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once your sister died, you didn't take it well.

you kept wondering who killed your sister and why would they.

if only you knew.

but the thing was, you were my old best friend. a very old best friend, and you started suspect that it was me who killed her when you started to notice others around me dying as well.

I asked you why the hell would I kill my best friends?

you didn't know.

because you weren't close enough to me to know I was best friends with pj and chris.

people might start to suspect that I killed you, but the last thing I need is you out of everyone to convince others that I'm the killer in school.

but hopefully they don't or I'll kill them as well.

Joe Sugg
Death: 4:30pm on the 19th of March - two months after your sister
Cause: slipping in the shower

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