5 Vodka

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Nine o’clock came as it always did. Alex and Kim waited by the big mirror as instructed. The mirror was nothing special, just exactly what it was called, big. Not many of the names within the school were that imaginative. Alex looked up at the clock above the mirror. Five past nine. Lou was late as expected but Alex couldn’t help but feel nervous as he paced up and down waiting.

“This is just typical.” He muttered “We make a plan and he can’t even stick to it, every single time we want to organise something he’s the one who makes it go balls up.” He looked over at Kim who was looking into the mirror putting the finishing touches to his outfit.

“Do you think this bow tie is wonky?” He asked turning to Alex.

“No.” Alex said frowning. “Why are you even wearing a bow tie and the rest of that?” He gestured to the suit and polished black shoes.

“Because it looks cool. I’m just like James Bond.” Kim smiled and shrugged his jacket before adjusting the cuffs and attempting to raise an eyebrow.

“God.” Alex said and continued to pace.

“Dude you need to lighten up, this is gonna be great remember.”

“How can I relax, I’m standing in the main bloody hall with a Chinese James Bond after lights out before we sneak out of bounds to an illegal party and our supreme organiser is now ten minutes late.”

“Supreme organiser? I like the sound of that.” The two of them turned around to see a smiling Lou. “Maybe you could make a sign for my door?”

“You bloody twat. You’re late.”

“Alright granddad don’t get you’re slippers in knots. Why aren’t you dressed up?” He looked at Alex who was wearing a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt.

“I didn’t know it was fancy dress.”

“You could have at least made an effort.” Lou sighed gesturing to Kim, “Looking awesome Kimmy, no girl’s gonna be able to resist you.” and then himself, “Honestly Alex suit up.” Having finally established the dress code and realised that there was not enough time to change the three set off to the party.

It was dark outside, therefore easy to sneak around. Knock. Knock. “Yo Brah it’s Lou.” He whispered at the door. There was the sound of a key in a lock and the sliding of keys before the door opened a fraction. A beady eye squinted out into the dark trying to confirm the identity of the latest arrivals. The gap shut and then opened fully.

“Hey man. Come on quick now.” The three new guys were ushered into the downstairs room.

“Righty ho!” beamed Lou. “Let’s get this party started!” He did a quick hand shake thing with the doorman who was sort of acting as a bouncer and clearly already off his face.

“Up the stairs, follow the stairs and when you get to the top of the stairs there’s a door, if you go through the door, through the door, that’s” he hiccupped “that’s where the paaaarty is.”

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