Chapter 19 - Disney Cruise

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*Sorry for the long wait, guys, exams have just started, but here is another chapter! Love, Jazzlin xxx*

Brian was running through his house, stuffing things into a huge backpack while Vince and other friends of Dom's were driving the stolen cars to a safe place and afterwards hid all traces that the cars had ever been here; Dom was supervising their work. When Brian had finished packing – it hadn't taken him longer than five minutes – he came to a halt next to Dom. "You'll have to explain your plan to me again. England? – We can't drive to England. And we can't board a plane or the police will know immediately: they've got cameras at the airport that can identify our faces, so false ID won't help us, either." – Dom threw Brian a side-glance. "You're right, we can't fly. But fortunately, there's one other way to reach an island." – Brian frowned. "A boat?!" For some reason an image of a fish cutter popped into Brian's mind. Dom grinned and smiled. "A boat it is. I got some connections, he can organise us tickets for tomorrow morning. Not first class, but it'll do." – Brian nodded slowly, perhaps they were booked into some kind of cruise. "What about our cars?" – Dom gritted his teeth, obviously not pleased at what he had to do. "No cars. We ain't taking them." – Brian whistled through his teeth, impressed. Dom had done some good thinking here; this plan was breaking with all of his usual patterns. First, they were going to Europe, a place Dom had never been before; second, they were taking a boat when every other sane person would simply fly; third, they weren't taking their cars, and cars were about the best indicator the police had for Dom's hiding place. As a matter of fact, the police probably wouldn't find a single clue as to where they had gone.

Nelly almost felt unable to cope with the situation as Brian kept running circles around her and yelling things at her she must not forget. "The police will probably call Mia and you in for questioning; of course you'll say you don't know where we've gone. Nelly – actress as you are – you can try and be annoyed at the Toretto-topic. After the questioning, you'll book your flight. The police will listen in on your phone calls for some time after this, and it's important that you call you uncle when they're still listening." – Nelly nodded slowly, trying to wrap her head around everything. She was going to fly to England to visit her uncle about the time when Dom and Brian would arrive there, too. To stop the police from suspecting she was still working together with Dom and Brian, she'd call her uncle and tell him how she needed a break because of her broken heart and the police not leaving her alone.

They were still at Brian's house, by now it was dark outside. Brian had finally shut up; Dom had left to get the tickets from his "connection". Mia was standing with her arms crossed, staring into nowhere. Nelly hugged her. "I don't have to go, really. I can stay with you." – Mia shook her head energetically. "No, you go; you've got an excuse because you have relatives in the UK. Besides, you'll be back quite soon." – "Yes – it'll be a lot easier for them if I can help establishing them in England. In that respect, England was really good thinking of Dom." – At that, Mia quickly exchanged a glance with Brian, then she looked intensely at Nelly and said with a lowered voice: "You do know that's not the only reason Dom has chosen England, don't you?" – Nelly frowned, not sure what Mia meant. Her friend smiled warmly, but also gravely. "It's the first time Dom has done anything like this – he's offering you to come with him, at least for a while. I have to say I didn't expect it – Letty was always freaking out when he wouldn't take her: he'd rather sneak out in the dark of night than take her, for her sake. So I would've thought he'd use this opportunity to leave without a tantrum." – Nelly nodded slowly: it was true: she wasn't like Letty... not as forceful, at least. – "Dom didn't think the whole England-thing up in the spur of the moment, be sure of that," Mia continued. "He must've been planning it since... well, probably since he knew he'd have to leave. It's like he's sending you a message." – Nelly frowned, slightly hurt. "Like to tell me he doesn't care as much for me than he did for Letty because he never took herfor her own sake?" – Mia's eyes flew wide open in surprise. "What? No! – No, you're getting me wrong. Don't you ever think Dom cares less for your safety than he did for Letty's. But I... we... Brian and I, we think your understanding for what he has to do – it impressed him, more than Letty's loud protest could ever have. That he chose England means he doesn't want to be away from you. Of course, it's actually a pretty good hiding place for reasons Brian has outlined several times already, since the police will never suspect that's where they've gone. But that's not the real reason he chose England in the first place."

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