Chapter 7 - The Touch, Part 1

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Mia found them working on Dom's car: Nelly was putting orange and black paint onto the scratches the car had gotten in the race while Dom was working on the motor. They were talking. "Your parents are working in an office, you said?" - "Yes, my dad studied economics, my mum did an apprenticeship. It was really hard for them to get into the US, you know, it's tricky nowadays. But migrating to America had always been their dream, so when Betty and I were old enough to agree - they did it." After the first few strokes with her brush her hands had stopped shaking and Nelly found the painting and chatting oddly relaxing. - "Your parents sure know how to live a dream," Dom said through his teeth: he was tightening a screw or something. At that, Nelly had to laugh. "Well, you do as well." - Dom looked up from the open hood of the motor and straight at Nelly. "Why would you say that?" He was grinning but sounded earnest: curious, almost. Nelly rolled the paint brush in her fingers. "Just look at you. If Mia told me correctly, all you wanted to do was fixing cars and racing. You got banned from all the official race courses, but here you are: fixing cars and racing." - "If you look at it that way..." he said slowly. "It came with a price, though, as most things do. I've done some..." he hesitated, "...bad stuff." - Nelly remembered Mia'd said Dom had almost killed a man and gone to prison for that. She didn't have the feeling he was a "bad guy", though. Mia wouldn't love him as she did if he was a cruel jerk. Nelly concentrated on a tiny orange scratch. "Sometimes things just don't work out as planned..." she stated slowly. From the corner of her eye, Nelly stole a glance at Dom: his muscles were moving beneath his tanned skin as he was working on the car. It made her forget about the paintbrush in her hand and it almost slipped out of her fingers, smearing the car. 

Luckily, that was when Mia's car pulled up next to the house, bringing Nelly back to reality. Mia got out of the car, she was carrying two huge shopping bags. Dom and Nelly both went to greet her and help unloading the car. The girls unpacked the items in the kitchen and Dom carried the bags. Mia nodded her head towards the brush that was still in Nelly's hand. "You've been doing some painting? And how's your head?" - "My head is..." Nelly frowned. "The headache's gone. Wow." Her face lit up immediately. "And yes, Dom let me paint over the scratches in his car. But I fear it'll be obvious where I've been. It's far from perfect." - Mia smiled. "It doesn't have to be. Before the next race, he'll bring it to a garage he or friends of his own and have it repainted. But he doesn't like his car to be scratchy until then." Mia paused for a second, reminiscing. "You're lucky; I am only allowed to paint his car on special occasions. - Or when he is about to break some bad news." Mia seemed lost in thought for a few more seconds, then she straightened up and grinned. "So, have I got everything we need for tomorrow? - Vince will come along, by the way, I hope that's fine?" - "Yeah, sure," Nelly assured with a smile. She hadn't really had the chance yet to really get to know Dom's friends, so she was more than happy to do so tomorrow. - "Perfect. So I thought we could share a car - yours or mine, I don't mind - and Dom and Vince one? - Vince's probably, it's less conspicuous." She laughed. "Is that alright with you? - I thought that way we'd have more storage space." - Nelly gave her a thumbs-up. "I completely admire your organising-talent. I've never even thought about how we'd get there up to now. Well, by car of course, but not how. But you're absolutely right."

Since the drive down to the coast wouldn't be too long, the next day they got up at 8am: they had enough time to shower, have breakfast and put everything in the car; when they were all ready and waiting for Vince it was no more than half past nine. It might sound early to set off for a beach-day, but the LA summer sun was already heating up the asphalt and promised a hot day. They didn't even bother to bring spare clothes. "We won't need them. It won't rain," Mia declared cheerfully. In Nelly's family, the superstition went the other way around ("the day you won't bring an umbrella, it will rain"), but since she didn't fancy stuffing an extra top and trousers into her already full beach bag, she agreed happily to the suggestion. They'd prepared sandwiches and put them into a cooler and a lot of drinks were waiting in Mia's car. Vince arrived, they loaded up his car and off they went. It was actually that easy - Nelly was surprised, too. No delays, no mishaps, no friends cancelling on short notice. Everything was just working smoothly: it was perfect.

The sun was transforming the whole world into an oven, but Nelly didn't care. She was lying on her belly on her beach towel and reading a book. She didn't have to do anything, didn't even have to think much, so it could be as hot as it pleased and she would be happy. They'd been in the sea just a few minutes ago and the cold water was dripping on her almost-naked back from her high ponytail. Her bikini had already dried: summer here was just amazing. Nelly turned a little and saw Vince and Dom coming out of the water. They'd stayed in longer than the girls, who were mostly bobbing up and down and talking, Dom and Vince liked to swim far out and to dive. Nelly suspected they were secretly trying to outdo one another, and it made her smile. Now their wet trunks were sticking to their legs and drops of water were all over their bodies, reflecting the sun. Nelly had noticed they were both sporting some scars, but Vince had one that was rather a thin line sort of wrapped round and round his left forearm. She wondered where he got it. Nelly turned to Mia on the towel next to her, who was watching as well, and whispered: "Vince. I think he likes you." - Mia chuckled. "Yeah, I suppose he does. I mean, I like him too - but nothing more." She stretched. "You know, I've never made him any hopes at all, but he's just not giving up. - I know this sounds terribly cruel, but... he's just not my type. Dom and Vince, they've always been best friends, but Vince's always tried to please Dom, too. And he can be so annoying." Mia hid her face in her towel and they laughed. Dom and Vince weren't too far away from them now. Suddenly, Mia looked up and nodded towards a young man walking past them. He was blond and tanned and sort of muscular - a stereotype surfer-boy. The only thing missing was the surfboard. Mia grinned at Nelly, whispering: "Look at him, for instance. Those are good looks!"

The man was walking rather slowly and as if he had heard Mia's words, he suddenly turned his head and exclaimed: "Nelly!" - The girls both froze until Nelly's brain had reassembled itself enough to recognise: Tanner. She stood up and grinned at him. "Hey, did our beach plans inspire you?" - He nodded and scratched his head. "Yeah, I figured I needed to get out a bit. And since there was no work today..." He looked past Nelly and saw Mia on her towel. "Is this your flatmate?" - "Yes, sorry, I'm so rude. Mia, this is Tanner, my colleague from work. Tanner, Mia." - Mia was now getting up as well and shaking hands with Tanner. Mia in her bikini was quite a sight and Nelly would've liked to kick Tanner, who was gaping. She felt her revenge coming, though, when Tanner was asking: "So... you two come down here alone?" - Nelly put on her sweetest grin. "Oh no, we're here with Vince and Dom. See, they're just coming towards us over there." Nelly flicked her hand towards the two considerably more muscular men approaching from the sea. Tanner automatically took a step back. "Oh right. Muscular and cool, I remember," he said with a crooked grin in Nelly's direction. "I suppose I leave you to it. Have a good day, ladies." He flashed one last grin before turning around. Mia immediately caught Nelly's glance and whispered: "Is he here on his own?" - Nelly nodded slowly. "I think so - he sort-of split up with his girlfriend... I would have asked him to stay but I don't know whether you or Vince and Dom might've minded..." - Mia waved her aside. "Rubbish!" - Nelly laughed and ran after her friend. "Tanner!" - He turned around with a frown. "What's up?" - "Of course you can sit with us, if you like." - "Really?" He grinned. - "Sure. Do you need to go get your things?" - Tanner was only wearing trunks, but he had a backpack slung about one shoulder. "No, I've got everything in here, actually. I have just arrived." - "Well then, come on over."

*So how will Dom react when he finds Tanner with Nelly and Mia?? - Thanks for so many reads, please comment and vote! Lots of love, Jazzlin xxx* 

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