Jimmy Darling x Reader

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You looked around before hurrying into your tent, you were nervous and slightly scared. You knew no one here would hurt you but you were still worried. Your parents had dumped you at Elsa Mars' Cabinet of Curiosities after you had discovered that you could predict the future and you could also speak to spirits. They called you a freak and had dumped you here before leaving for Hollywood to make money.

You looked around the cold tent, looking at a double bed in the middle with faded pink sheets on. You made the bed and started to unpack your things into the rotting wooden chests scattered around the tent. The tent wasn't exactly a five star hotel but this was now home and you were going to have to get used to it but even though the furniture in the tent was old, in the middle of the tent there was a beautiful, pristine vanity table with a chair to match. You smiled and put what little beauty possessions you had into it.

You heard the rustle of the tent entrance and a light knock on one of the dressers. You turn around to see a boy with short curly hair and brown eyes. He smiled warmly at you, he was holding a present and that's when you noticed his fingers, the first and second fingers were fused together as were the third and fourth. Lobster Boy. You had seen the banners on the way in and he looked nothing like they had portrayed him outside. He was quite attractive actually. You smiled and invited him in by waving.

"Hey.. I'm Jimmy Darling, also known as Lobster Boy." He smiled and held up one of his hands to show you.

"I'm [Y/N], [Y/F/N]. I don't know what my show name is yet though." You smiled slightly. Jimmy smiled and handed you the gift, telling you to read the label. You looked at the label and read '[Y/N], The Clairvoyant Psychic.' You giggled slightly and looked at him.

"Great, is everyone going to want to know their future around here?" You smiled. Jimmy smiled too, his dimples showing making him more attractive if that was even possible.

"Well go on, open it." He encouraged, grinning at you. You pulled off the ribbon and took the top off the box to reveal a crystal ball. As you took it out and admired it he took the box out of your hands and placed it on top of one of the chests. You carefully placed the crystal ball on one of the shelves and thanked Jimmy.

"It was nice to meet you [Y/N]. Chester wants to talk to you in the big tent, I think he's talking about taking you on as his assistant as well as getting your own part of the show." He said, pointing towards the big tent. You nodded and thanked him again, heading towards the main tent.

Chester greeted you happily, standing behind one of the boxes used to supposedly saw girls in half. There was no one else in the tent but you knew Jimmy's trailer wasn't far if you got lost.

"Ah, [Y/N]. I would like to take you on as my glamorous assistant. You would still have your own part of the show of course but I'd like you to have this too." He said. You thought about it for a minute before agreeing, you walked up to the box and looked at it.

"I know how this works, shall we have a run through?" You asked as he nodded. You climbed in the box and he started to put the slats and things in roughly, when he handcuffed your feet before you could pull through, you knew there was something wrong. You tried to tell him you couldn't pull your feet through but he didn't listen, he pulled out the saw which had faint blood stains on and you panicked as he started to saw.

"Someone help! He's going to saw me in half! Someone, please!" You screamed, you felt the saw glide across your abdomen and you felt the blood flow down your sides. It was over. You felt lightheaded and faint as you saw two people run in, one of them pulled Chester away and the other opened the box and ran with you bridal style somewhere. You heard what sounded like Jimmy's voice before you blacked out.

"Ah, shit." You groaned, trying to sit up but you were pushed down by strong hands.

"C'mon [Y/N], I know you're eager to get back up but you need to rest for now." Jimmy said, propping the pillows up so you could sit up slightly. You asked Jimmy what happened and he explained that Chester had tried to saw you in half. Literally. You sighed and drank some water and took some pain relief that had been put out for you.

"I'm just glad you yelled so we could stop it." He said, playing with your [Y/H/C] hair.

"We?" You questioned, you remembered seeing someone else but you didn't quite know who anyone was.

"Eve took Chester off you, if she hadn't you would've... died." Jimmy sighed. "Amazon Eve they call her, she is one of the tallest women in the world. But because of that, it apparantly makes her a freak. She is one of my best friends and has been since Elsa took us in."

You look up at him and smile softly, you had a pain in your stomach again but being with Jimmy distracted you. Was this love? You'd only known him for what? 2 days? You looked at his beautiful brown eyes. It was then you saw a figure moving around the tent, you look to see Chester standing there, scowling. But was this, Chester? The magician seemed to have a soft black and red glow around him, your eyes widened and you looked at Jimmy.

"Chester is dead." You said, slightly happy but guilt washed over you at the same time.

"We're all family here and if anyone tries to hurt that. Well... yeah." He says, rubbing his neck. "Wait... How did you-" He stopped and then nodded in realisation. "Your gift." He said, smiling a little.

You nod and sigh. "More like a curse." You say sighing. You turn your head to see he is staring at you, his eyes filled with, love? You stared back at him and started leaning in, as did he. Your lips collided and you could feel sparks. Smiling into the kiss, he softly pulled away and kissed your head.

"I love you, [Y/N]. Get some rest." He said, smiling and showing off his cute dimples that you loved.

"I love you too, Jimmy." You said, also smiling as he left the tent. You lay back and smiled at what just happened. You felt your eyes close and you fell asleep, dreaming of the both of you.


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this JimmyxReader one shot and requests are open! I won't make you fill out a form or something but all you need to do is message me or comment with who you want and what season! I accept crossovers from different seasons as all the seasons are linked in some way. Don't be afraid to request something because of spoilers, I have seen all of American Horror Story and am completely up to date. If you request something and I can't quite remember then I'll go back and rewatch it! Thanks guys :)

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