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I WOULD WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU GUYS!!!!!SO WE CAN ROLEPLAY MLP?!?!?!?!*mind*say yes say yes!!!

If you want to join fill this up!


Type(sorry no more alicorn only one so thats me)


Mane/tail style

M/T color(btw m and t are mane and tail :3)

Cutie mark

Cutie mark colours


Accessories colours(ps if you have one ^-^)

Crush(dont you dare steal shining armour and idc if hes married he divorce candece!^-^ill pay you so to keep your mouth close$10000000 there)


Magic colour(if your a uni)




Back story

Eye colour


Body colour



And others^-^


My oc!

Name-crystal rainbow


Age-20(shining is 21 btw)

M/T style-flowing like luna and celestia

M/T colour-rainbow

Cuite mark-sun and the moon

Cm(cutiemark)colours-yellow,orange and blue

Accessories-crown,shoes and necklace like celestia with jems

Accessories colours-gold and pink

Crush-shining armour<(○3○)>

Talents-flying,magic,writing and rising the sun and moon

Magic colour-blue or yellow(night-blue day-yellow)

Personalty-everything nice royalty and sometimes she is strict(yup she is a girl)sometiems she is shy in parties

Likes-gowns,makeup,dutties,spending time with twilght*cough*shining*cough*,dressing up with rarity,picking apples with applejack,racing with rainbowdash,partyinig with pinkie and reading books with twilight

Dislikes-everything bad and negative thinking

Back story-*ahem flashback*i was a little filly wondering around my fair was pink and i dont uave my cm yet then i got lost im hearing things like'continue DIE!'then celestia had found me and asked me wheres my home i said i was abonded she kept me in until i notcice her crown i bowed she chukled and said we can be friends until we became sisters and i found out she has a sister!and here iam now healty and a princess that can rise the moon and sun

Eye colour-rainbow


Body colour-just like luna

Weakness-just like celestia's weakness

Siblings-celestia and luna

Others-hs eis very good at everything and i mean EVEYTHING

Done bye turtles!!!!

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