But it was everything to me.

"Shall we get started?" he finally asked, angling his body to face me.

"Of course,"

Handing me a few pages, Harry started.

"Let me start off by saying, I understand this isn't something you like,"

I had to stop myself from snorting. Well, at least he wasn't stupid.

"No one wants to have someone else over their shoulder, observing their every action. Especially at your age. So let me say now that I want to try to be as respectful and supportive in this as I can be, and limit my intrusion in to your life."

Great, then how about you just leave now? I thought.

"Thank you," was what I said.

"In saying that, you need to be clear on my responsibilities. I will be overseeing your spending, as it has been noted as an area of concern. There is a lot of frivolous transactions," he said, pulling up a page. I didn't see the whole thing, but I could tell it was my bank transactions. What the fuck!? He had my banking summary? "I get that you have a lot of money, Charlotte. But that doesn't mean you should be wasteful. Your family has asked me to try and curb this habit, and I have agreed."

My blood was already boiling, and I knew my face was probably turning pink in anger. But I kept calm, and said nothing.

"Mainly," he continued. "My role is to help you avoid risky behaviors. Clubs, bars, drinking and the like. Your increase in the party lifestyle has been well documented, and I was aware of it and you even before I was approached to take this case. You are getting more and more reckless, and it needs to be addressed."

Case? He was again acting like I was a fucking troubled child needing a stern handling. Im sure that was how he saw me, but that was not what I was. I was an adult, who was being railroaded by her family and a judge!

Harry paused, watching me intently. I bit the inside of my lip, trying to keep calm.

Finally, he smirked.

"You're fuming, aren't you?"

I balked. "Excuse me?"

"You're angry," he said confidently. "Everything I have said so far, you have gotten redder and redder in the face. You are about to bite a hole through your lip in a moment."

I said nothing.

"Remember what I said earlier," he sighed. "I will be honest with you in all things. But I need you to do the same. If you have feelings or questions about this, I need to hear them."

I snorted. "I doubt you want to hear my thoughts right now."

This caused him to smirk. "Try me."

"They aren't very kind," I pressed.

"Im tougher than you think."

I took a deep breath, and let it all out.

"How the hell do you think you are to come in here and control my spending?" I blurted. "Yes, I spend more than the average. But I also have more than the average. I like nice things, but I am expected to be seen out and about at countless events and charities. Yes, I don't need it all. But who does?"

Harry said nothing.

"But more so, who are you to come in here and tell me my life is reckless? I go to clubs, like everyone else my age. I go to bars and drink, like everyone else my age. How the hell is my behavior different and reckless, when they are just normal nineteen year olds? Why is it that I get an adult babysitter, and everyone else can be normal."

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