"No, I'm just going to wing it," I tell him honestly. "It's funny, actually. I'm not nervous at all."

And it's true. I'm not nervous. Why would I be? The cameras don't bother me anymore. Instead of making me nervous, they just annoy me.

Cinna and I meet Peeta, Portia, and Haymitch at the elevator. Peeta is dressed in an elegant black tuxedo with white gloves, the proper attire for a groom according to the Capitol. And while Peeta looks handsome, I can't help but think he looked even better in the jeans and t-shirt he wore at our toasting.

"You're beautiful," Peeta says softly, smiling when he sees my blush.

"A blushing bride," Portia comments, prompting an even deeper blush to stain my cheeks. "You look lovely."

"Thanks." Peeta takes my hand and together we make our way to the back of the stage where we'll wait until it's time for the interviews.

Peeta gives me a small smile, squeezing my hand.

When we arrive backstage, all attention is immediately on us. Silence surrounds the air as their eyes fall on my wedding dress, glaring at it. Finally, Finnick breaks the unnerving silence. "I can't believe Cinna put you in that thing."

"President Snow made him," I immediately defend. "He didn't have a choice."

"Well, you look absolutely ridiculous!" Cashmere says with a flip of her hair before walking past us, grabbing her brother's hand and leading him to the front of the line.

The other tributes begin to follow suit, most of them completely ignoring us, except for Finnick, who claps Peeta on the shoulder and gives me a smile that holds none of its usual brightness, but it's still genuine. What surprises me the most is Johanna, who stops to straighten my pearl necklace and says, "Make him pay for it, okay?"

I truly realize the depth of Johanna's statement when we're all sitting on the stage, and the interviews have begun. The betrayal that the victors feel by being reaped for the arena again is evident in their faces, in their demeanor, and during their interview.

I hold Peeta's hand tightly as the line back stage slowly diminishes and we are the only two left.

And then Caesar calls my name.
The crowd was upset with the previous interviews but my wedding dress proves to be too much for them. They break down in tears and cry out in anguish. Even Caesar, whose hair and makeup is purple this year, has to resort to using all his years of professionalism as he tries to calm the wild audience. I can hear the three minute clock for my interview just ticking away in my mind. The Capitol seems to have finally realized that because of the Quell, there will be no wedding. No more star-crossed lovers of District 12. No happily ever after. They realize that mine and Peeta's story only ends in death.

But it won't only be us dying in the arena, our baby too.

Finally, there's a break in the noise, and Caesar manages to ask, "So, Katniss, this is a very emotional night for everyone. Is there anything you'd like to say?"

"Only that I'm so sorry you won't get to be at my wedding, but I'm glad you at least got to see me in my dress. Isn't it just the most beautiful thing?"

As if I'm going from a script, I immediately rise from my chair and begin to twirl. When the screaming starts, I think it's because of my dress and my twirling, but when I see smoke beginning to rise up around me, I panic momentarily and stupidly try to twirl faster. This only causes the smoke to rise up even quicker, cocooning me in a grey shield that hides me from the eyes of the audience and everyone on stage.

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