Part 3: The Dance

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Authors note
Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter. A picture of Kyle on the side.

I am panicking. Why'd I agree to go to that stupid dance with him anyways? I have no idea what I'm going to wear. What am I going to do with my hair? I'm going to look like a mess. This is terrible. I'm going to call my friend Kalle. Maybe she will know. She is really good with fashion. She has long black curly hair and brown eyes.

"Hello?" I said

"Hey, what's up?" Kalle replied, she sounded busy. Probably getting ready for the dance too. I wonder who she's going with.

"I have no idea what I'm doing for the dance" I said. I am crazy, why didn't I plan this out before? It's THE day of the dance and I don't know what I'm doing.

"Ooo this is tragic, I'll be there in 5" she said. I sighed in relief.

"Okay, see ya then" I said, and with that I hung up. I'm not going to go too crazy with makeup. Just lip stick to match the dress, foundation, blush, mascara, eyeliner, and eye shadow. Kalle should be here soon so I went down the stairs. As I went down the last step there was a knock at the door.

"Hey" I said, dang, she was already ready for the dance. She looked absolutely gorgeous. She wore a dark purple dress that went to her knees. It fit her perfectly. It was very sparkly. And purple heels with a bow on it to match.

"Alright I have a dress and heels and I'll curl your hair up into a bun type thing" she said

"Sounds like a plan" I said grinning. Maybe the dance won't be a complete disaster. But I probably can't even come close to the way the other girls looked.

"Okay go put this on and I'll heat up the curling iron" she said smiling. I went into the bathroom with the dress. I can't help but wish I was going with Dylan instead of Kyle. I miss him, and I can't stand not talking to him for over a day. We didn't even do anything after school and we always do something. I can't believe he blocked me though. That's not like him at all.

"Alright I got the dress on" I said as I walked out of the bathroom. It was a really stunning dress. It was a long red flowy dress. It had sparkles on the chest part of it. And it was matched with red heels that had spikes on them. I hate heels but I'll deal with it for tonight. I also had silver hoops in my ears and a couple of plain silver bracelets on my wrists. Kalles jaw dropped. Is it bad?

"You look beautiful" Kalle said, I smiled.

"Me? You're gorgeous" I said which made her blush a little.

"So who are you going with?" Kalle asked as she started to curl my hair

"Kyle" I answered

"Really? He's hot. Anyways I'm going with Dylan. Which surprised me when he asked I thought he'd go with you, but I'm not complaining" she said. My stomach dropped. This can't be happening.

"Congrats" I managed to spit out. I wish it was me going with him. I wish I could rewind time and take back saying yes to Kyle or asking Dylan that stupid question. Tears started to well up in my eyes but I blinked them away. I can't cry in front of her.

"Are you okay?" She asked noticing that something isn't right. She can read me like an open book.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said pushing all of the emotion to the back of my mind. She shrugged and nodded. Thank god she didn't notice. Well I just got to keep Dylan off my mind and enjoy myself with Kyle. I'll be fine. I'll have fun.

"Okay I'm done curling now I'm going to form it into a bow on top of your head" she said. I smiled, that's a cute idea.

"Thank you, for doing this" I said happily.

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