Chapter 4: The Perfect Get Away!

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After a month or so of Nathan and I dating, it was known globally that we were dating and people at school started calling me Mrs. Lexy Sykes.  Nathan and I hadn’t been together for a long time but, we still loved each other like we had been together for years. The year went bye quickly and then on our anniversary the next year, I moved into Nathan’s flat with him and I had met Nathan’s parents and sister. I had even met the families of all the other members and their girlfriends. Kelsey, Tom’s girlfriend and I hang out a lot. She’s a lot like me but, I still have that vacancy where Lauren used to be and would fill everyday. I don’t see her much anymore but, we still call and text each other all the time. The first year contained of pictures being taken of Nathan and I or just myself walking through the street. There was always someone there waiting with a camera.

After I moved in on the day of our anniversary, Nathan took me to a surprise destination. He took me to Paris. He took me for a candle lit dinner on the Eiffel Tower and then we went to a hotel Nathan had booked reservations at and then spent the night there. Nathan and I had bought each other secret anniversary presents and then gave them to each other at dinner. I bought Nathan a brand new Rolex Watch and tickets to go see Manchester United and Manchester City play. I bought 4 tickets, one for Nathan, one for Max, one for my dad and one for myself. Nathan bought me the exact same bracelet Bryan gave me but instead of having the “Best Friend” charm, it had a charm that said “Best Girlfriend” on it. Nathan loved his present and was so happy. I loved mine just as much but, it reminded me of Bryan and everything he said to me that day on the porch of my house. The next day, we walked around Paris and then went back to the hotel to get our suitcase’s and then to the airport to go back home.

The next year went by the same way and Nathan and I became more in love every day. A few weeks before our second anniversary, Nathan and the boys came up to me one day while I was finishing a report I was doing for my Law Class in University.

Nathan: Hey babe.

Me: Hey, what’s up?

Nathan: Well, as you know, our tour finishes soon.

Me: Yeah.

Nathan: I was wondering if you wanted to come on the rest of the tour with us?

Me: Sure, I would love too!

Tom: Kelsey is coming too.

Siva: So is Nareesha.

Me: Ok!

Max: You can bring Lauren if you want, we know you haven’t seen her in a while and we feel responsible for it so, you can bring her.

Me: You guys aren’t responsible for it, but I am defiantly bringing Lauren!

That day, I drove down to my house and then went over to Lauren’s school. I went into the office and asked for Lauren Bedford. She called up to their classroom and the secretary told Lauren to come down to the office with all her books and bags. When I saw Lauren coming down the hallway, I smiled at the sight of seeing her. When she saw me, she stopped for a second and smiled. Then she ran towards the office and I opened the door and ran out to her. She dropped her bags and opened her arms and I ran into her embrace. We hugged for a few moments in silence and then she pulled me away and looked me up and down.

Lauren: You’ve grown so much! How tall are you now?!

Me: 5’6!

Lauren: Still shorter then me though!

Me: (laughing) I always will be!

Lauren: Very true. Anyway, what are you doing here?!

Me: I’ll tell you in the car.

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