Chapter 1: Happy Birthday?!

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Today was the day I had been waiting for since I was 10. Wanting to be 18, wondering what would happen as soon and I woke up and realised that I was 18! It excited me when I was that young but now, I wish I could turn back the clock and make it seem like I could just pretend that I would die at 17 and not have to live through my 18th birthday because if I knew then what would happen on that day, I wouldn’t have wanted to be 18 so badly.

 I woke up on Friday, May 25th 2013 and jumped out of bed as quickly as I could. I looked at my alarm clock. It said 6:15 AM 25/05/2013. I started to jump up and realised that today at 11:15 pm, I would be 18! Then, there was a knock at my door. It swung open slowly and then I saw my dad and my two older brothers Brandon and Josh standing there with a small birthday cupcake on a plate with a candle on top. They were singing “Happy Birthday” as they came into my room and handed me my cupcake. I looked up and Josh was smiling. I gave him and hug and he whispered in my ear.

 Josh: Happy Birthday sis!

Me: Thank you Josh!

 I walked over to Brandon and he picked me up and spun me around. I screamed and laughed at the same time because I was gobsmacked and a little excited!

 Brandon: Look at you, 18!!

Me: I know! I’m so happy to finally be 18!

 Josh is newly 25. He turned 25 in January. Brandon is still 24. He turns 25 in October. I’m the youngest in years but, right in the middle in months. I looked over at my dad and he was crying but had a smile on his face.

 Me: Aw daddy (walking over to give him a hug)!

Dad: My little girl is all grown up!

Me: I’ll always be you’re little girl, always!

Dad: Good!

I pulled away from my dad and looked him in the eyes.

Dad: I sure wish your mum could be here to see you grow into a great young lady!

Me: She can see me, I know it!

Josh: Anyway, here’s your cupcake! Eat it and get dressed quickly, I’m going to drop you off at school. I’m not going to make you take the bus today.

Me: Thanks Josh!

Josh: No problem sis!

Dad: Come on men!

They all marched out of my room and closed the door. I chuckled as I watched them march in sync in my room in a straight line out of my room. I blew out my candle and made a wish as I did it. I took the candle out of the small cake and realised that Dad must have gone over to Mrs. Payne’s bakery yesterday to pick up my favourite perfectly baked and iced cupcake. It was in a small cupcake tin that said Happy Birthday on it. The cake itself was vanilla with a Strawberry jam filling and a sweet, rich cream cheese icing. My favourite! I walked over to my closet as I enjoyed my cupcake as I picked out some clothes. I grabbed a pair of white jean shorts and a red ruffle top with some black flats to match it. I slipped it all on quickly and then ran to the toilet to straighten my hair and brush my teeth. As I rushed through that and then looked at my phone as I ran down the stairs. There was a message from my friend Bryan. It said “I’ll meet you at the front doors, as always! Happy Birthday!” When I got to the kitchen Josh was making himself a thermos full of tea and Brandon was sitting at the table with dad.

Me: Ready Josh?!

Josh: Yeah, pack your bag and meet me at the door.

Me: Ok.

I ran over to my backpack and stuffed all my journals and agenda in it as quickly as I could and then ran over to my dad and gave him a kiss on the check and then gave Brandon a small hug and then ran to the door.

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