
Love's never come my way,

I've never been this far

But you took these two left feet

And waltzed away with my heart

No, I don't dance, but here I am

Spinning you round and round in circles

It ain't my style, but I don't care

I'd do anything with you anywhere

Guess you got me in the palm of your hand, girl

Cause, I don't dance


I don't dance


         Jenny looked up into the eyes of her lover, so many secrets were hid behind each person eyes. Secrets that would destroy their relationship soon but at the moment they didn't know that. The two lovers continued to dance as they stared at each other. Jethro leaned down as he softly kissed her holding her close. Men who had been eyeing his lover earlier now looked away know those two weren't a force to be messed with. 

        They were in Paris, the city of love. Jenny hadn't realized they were moving until she felt a cold breeze hit her. Glancing around her she noticed they were out on the balcony no where near anyone else, the music couldn't be heard but yet that didn't stop them. They continued to move as she lifted her head. 

        "I love you Jen. I hope you know that." She smiled as she stood on her tiptoes gently kissing him. 

         "I love you too Jethro. Always will." Those word she said now was the words she meant. Indeed she was always going to love him no matter what happened. The only thing neither of them new was what their future holds. They slowly broke away from the kiss as he continued to sway with her again. These were two lovers lost in their own world with out a care in the world. 



I don't dance, but here I am

Spinning you round and round in circles

It ain't my style, but I don't care

I'd do anything with you anywhere


   Slowly he brushed her red curls out of her face as he let his hand tangle in her hair. She smiled as she looked into his eyes. Her green eyes sparkled with love, something she had never been good at but she knew for sure that this was something she couldn't live without. She didn't know that in a month he would start to shut her out and she would be getting a new job offer. She didn't know that because he shut her out she agrees to that job offer. She didn't know that when she did leave instead of being gone for six months she'd be gone for six years. She didn't know at the time that  she would come back as his boss this time. She didn't know that their relationship would be strained for the years after to come. She also didn't know that the dreams she had would never come true, she would die alone. Unless she found a way to change it. 

       When she does realize it, when she does know what she did, she will fight like hell to change it but at the time she was lost in the arms of her lover. He didn't know anything that was gonna happen. He didn't know he was gonna lose all but one member of his team starting with  his lover. His lover would leave for a job because he shut her out, he didn't know that his senior agent would retire shortly after his redhead left. He didn't realize his other member would be transferred off his team and to a team overseas. He didn't know that Morrow would assign him a new team against his liking. Right now it was the two lovers against the world. 


I don't dance, but here I am

Spinning you round and around in circles

It ain't my style, but I don't care

I'd do anything with you anywhere

Yah, you got me in the palm of your hand, girl

Cause, I don't dance





  Two lovers lost in each other, unaware of the world around them. That was what Jennifer Shepard & Leroy Jethro Gibbs were now. Finally they stopped swaying to the music as he leaned down to kiss her once more. She smiled up at him only pulling away for air. As they stood there just starring at each other she slowly spoke. This would be the turning point in their relationship, it isn't her fault but in years to come she will blame herself for it. Always will blame herself to be exact. 

                            "I thought you didn't dance Jethro?" 

Jibbs One Shots: Volume I Where stories live. Discover now