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This is dedicated to all those who have lost their lives and their surviving families, particularly this year already. It came as a request from @IDontGiveAFlyingFcuk. Here goes.

The couple had spent their entire week listening to the music that rewrote most genres. David Bowie songs were blasted in all their car trips, as the pair cooked the meal they would eat before watching an Alan Rickman movie.

It had been a massively upsetting week to find two of the world's most beloved artists had past away. But Alex was trying to keep things lighthearted.

She, after all, probably knew better than anybody that it was one of Logan's biggest goals in life to work alongside the man who had brought life to villains across generations. And his favourite musician was, undeniably, David Bowie.

Logan had never met either of the sixty nine year olds, but he took their deaths hard, as if they were personal.

Hence why Alex had her tribute planned and made sure to make her fiancé smile at every possible turn.

"Did you know," she started from the other end of the couch, almost glad that they weren't touching because she knew she'd be tackled for the lie she was about to tell. Actually, that didn't sound so bad. "I didn't even know who David Bowie was until I met you."

Logan sucked in a breath. Horrified. It was a nice sound to hear as it broke away from his mostly silent sulking. "But you appreciate his work now, right?" His eyes were comically wide.

It was clear that Logan knew exactly what she was doing, but he let her do it anyway, inching closer to her. He loved that she made such an effort to cheer him up. Vinyl records of Logan's music idol played softly behind them, Logan having insisted they buy a gramophone in order to play music the way it was meant to be played. On a record. And the television in front of them was blank, having just finished playing the first Die Hard.

"Of course I appreciate it." Alex stuttered, unbelieving that he thought otherwise. "He was just not The Eagles, now that is music the way its meant to sound."

"Country rock?!" Logan exclaimed, trying to sound traumatised by what she had divulged. "Al! How can you say that?"

But in all his horror and surprise, Logan chuckled, pulling Alex by her waist in order to hold her close. He wasn't quiet sure how he should thank her for everything she'd done in order to keep him sane over the course of the week. She'd listened to Blackstar album on repeat for days and he knew she thought it too sad and morbid for her tastes. Of course, his fiancé didn't say anything. All she did was hum along and nod to the beats pulsing out of the speakers. She'd gone so far as to try and master Alan Rickman's sandpaper sultry undertones. She had failed miserably at it, unable to completely reach the bass tone. However, Alex had managed to sing the entirety of Jean Genie in a horrid Alan Rickman impression as they showered. The performance had brought tears to Logan's eyes as he laughed, harmonising just as deeply as best he could.


A mere three days later, it was Logan's birthday. He had made the conscious decision to embrace the day. He had never particularly cared for his own birthdays, but he knew from experience that Alex loved spoiling him. And who was he to deny his gorgeous fiancée whatever she wanted to do to/with him on such an occasion.

What he hadn't expected, what nobody expected, was this. In almost a sick twist of fate, exactly the band Alex had preferred over the legendary Bowie had been torn apart by tragedy. Glenn Frey now adding to her 'Tribute to the Fallen' collage on the fridge.

The news had impeded them at every turn, and on every news channel. And Logan knew it was his turn to act as her comforter.

Instead of asking her how she was feeling about the news, Logan could read Alex the same way he could read his favourite passage from his favourite novel, without hesitation, second guessing, or even glance downwards for a hint. Besides, Alex would never admit to being upset on his birthday, and Logan certainly wasn't going to make her.

"Hey, Al." Logan disrupted her from where she was pouring dog food from a tin and into Levon's metal food bowl. Taking her hands in his much larger, more calloused ones, despite his fiancée complaining that she had 'gunk' on her hands and things to do, Logan pulled Alex out of her crouch. He whisked her into their living room, where he had shoved lounges against walls and created a reasonably large oval space that was now unoccupied except for their bodies.

Logan switched his phone onto its highest volume setting and proceeded to scroll through his music to her preferred artist. Pulling her even closer, Logan pressed Alex's body to his and twirled her around their living room.

"Logan." She complained, her voice muffled by his chest. "But its your birthday. What are we doing?" But the truth was evident in her actions as Alex tightened her grip on his waist, one hand fisting the front of his shirt. Her head even nuzzled deeper into his neck, her warm lips finding his skin.

"To quote the woman I plan on marrying," Logan spoke softly into her hair, relating what she always told him on her birthday. "Today's not about me, its about us."

Alex shook her head against him, clearly disagreeing. "Actually," she breathed, her eyes alight with more than just blue. Then, she seemed to rethink her words. And Logan was glad. They had plenty of time for that later. "That sounds perfect"

And then she kissed him. Needing to stand on her toes to do so now. Logan loved the feeling so much that he bent her over his arm and kissed her some more, then swaying to the beat of songs from her childhood. "I love you." He murmured into her ear. Better than any reply, Alex began softly singing the love song to him. It was sweet, and the gesture made his heart melt. Until out came her impressions again.

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