Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Captain Leevay

After locking up the prisoners, we head back into the castle. I go directly to the office where I found a bulk of businessmen, but it's empty. I storm the next one over, and right on the desk there is a stack of important papers. "Lieutenant!" I shout, and hear footsteps pounding up the stairs.

A second later, the lieutenant enters the room, lacking the shortness of breath an average person would have with that jog.

"I found something that you might like, sir." Lieutenant Shane walks heel to toe closer to me, the desk, and the stack of papers. He picks it up.

"Building Outward- Expanding the Airavian Villages," he murmurs. "Leevay. I want you to interrogate the prisoners. Ask them anything about the Erelarian plans. Do not kill, but hurt them if they do not tell anything."

"Yes, sir," I salute and head back down to the jail. Prisoners are murmuring to each other. "Silence!" I bark. Everyone gets quiet suddenly. "Better." I begin pacing the hall, meeting each enemy's eyes. "I am going to interrogate you. Every single one of you," I declare, making sure every syllable is clear and pronounced. I look around. I then, suddenly, so none of them expect me, unlock the door of the nearest cell. I grab the prisoner by the hair and climb up the wall to the upper room. The man attempts to follow, but I kick his hand. He stumbles, falling the seven feet. I laugh.

"It's not funny!" I hear a shout.

I spin around and glare down into the pit. A girl has turned to face me with a glare just as bad as my own. "What did you say?" I scowl, leaping down into the hole and landing on the man's foot. He curls up in pain. The girl doesn't cower, which I would expect her to do. I kick the other man back into his own cell, where he lets out a wail in a corner. Instead I open the girls' cell. And though normally I would have to grab her by the hair or collar, she walks come straight out.

"Tell me your name," I demand.



"I am a cook. I serve the royal family meals all day long, as often as they want."

"What makes you think," I say with certain sternness in my voice that even Lieutenant Shane would be proud of, "That you have more authority than me."

"I don't think that. You, a Lieutenant, and me, a maid? No, sir, we are opposites."

I don't correct her. The more respect she has for me, the better. "And which of these," I spit, "Is the king."

She points to a man in a far cell. "Him. He is King Jaomalo."

I nod in approval. "And which of these is the Queen?"

"That one. In the cell next to the king."

I smile. "But, dear cook. I see no girl fit to be princess Loraina. She is here, is she?"

"Loraina? Who is Loraina?"

"Do not lie to me!" I bellow, "You know who Loraina is! Where is she right now?"

"She is living up north, in the country. The king and queen had a feeling you would attack, and for her safety, sent her there."

"Good Girl." I usher back into her empty cell, climb up into the prison landing, and head to tell Lieutenant Shane my new news.

The door to the office we were in is shut. I knock three times and pause. Footsteps move from the other side of the room to here. I hear a creak and the door is open, revealing Lieutenant Shane.

"Lieutenant, I have some news, sir."


"A maid has informed me that the princess is not here." He nods carefully. "She is up north, living there. The king and queen predicted the attack and sent her away."

He nods again, and with a big, sudden flinch yells, "LIES!" I jump, startled by his sudden outburst.

"But sir, where would the girl be if she is not up north?"

"She escaped."

"How would she do that?"

"She is not due to go north until tomorrow."

"But sir, how could she have escaped?"

"Do not interrupt me! I am thinking..." 

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