Not An Update I'm Just Stupid

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Hi guys!

As this chapter's title says, this isn't an update. I guess since I updated twice in one week the last time I updated, now I have to go weeks without writing anything! Jeez.

Anyway, I've sort of hit a really bad bump in the road and pretty much lost all my thoughts for this book at the moment.


I will still continue with this book obviously, it's just that I've hit a writer's block like majorly slammed into it, I'm back in school (have been for three weeks now but still), and I have this really good idea for a "The Walking Dead" fanfic and I've been working on that (but when I try to write this - nothing).

I apologize for the wait you guys are going through, but hang in there! Someday I will update again, and that update should be soon.

I'll force myself to write no matter what.

Until next time my faithful readers!


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