Chapter Three

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By the next morning nearly all of their possessions were packed and ready to go. Demon speed was always useful.

Sebastian had stayed up all night making preparations. Somehow, he had found another manor out in the countryside, and after pulling a few strings and cashing in a few favors it was theirs to rent for as long as they needed. The owners were moving to one of their other residences in the meantime.

"You certainly are one hell of a butler." Maria complimented him as he held open the carriage door for her so she could step in. The carriage was also the owner's, and was simply being rented as well. It was dropped off early in the morning. Now, all their stuff was packed, inside and outside the carriage. They only had one trip after all, everything would have to fit in one trip. Maria dodged boxes as she sat inside.

Ciel stepped in after. "At least we only needed to pack a few things, the sooner we get out of here the better."

Yeah, because all these boxes were "a few things".

"Good thing we didn't have to pack silverware," Maria chimed in from inside the carriage, "oh wait, Sebastian has half of it packed on his person anyway."

Sebastian gave her his signature innocent closed-eye smiles and shut the door, climbing up to the driver's position before urging the horses forward. They were on their way to their new temporary home.


It didn't take long to reach the manor, and Maria liked it as soon as she saw it. It was smaller than Ciel's original home, the Phantomhive manor, but was pretty and quaint on its own. A forest surrounded it, but it was built in a clearing of its own (Sebastian had explained that this was to help protect them from winged creatures). It was "love as first sight".

"What?" Sebastian said, now standing right in front of her.

Did I say that out loud?!

"Uh- the house. I love the house." She quickly tried to write off her mistake. Sebastian must have heard her whisper "It was love at first sight" right as he entered her view.

Sebastian merely smirked at her and continued unloading boxes.

Just as quickly as they had packed, they were unpacked and settled.

"What are we going to do now?" Maria asked Sebastian, all of them sitting in a small sitting room.

"We wait."

"What?" Ciel growled lowly, gripping the chair's armrests. The unpacking had distracted him momentarily, but now he was getting tense and agitated again.

"I have contacted some allies that may be of good use to us." Sebastian replied calmly.

"Like who?" Maria questioned. She didn't know many other supernaturals.

Sebastian merely smiled.

A few hours later the loud noise of the knocker echoed throughout the manor. Maria jumped and tensed when it did.

I'll never get used to that damn sound now.

Sebastian went to answer it, Ciel and Maria following close behind.

The door was opened and within a second a flash of blindingly red hair appeared in Maria's demon vision.

The male flung his arms around Sebastian and shouted, "Bassy! I missed you so much!"

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