Elijah’s POV

“We’ve been waiting here for ages; she’s not coming back...” Lizzie muttered.

I looked at the frown on her pale, almost angelic, face. I didn’t want to believe her. I wanted to know that there was good in everyone, but sometimes there just isn’t. Everyone will disappoint you at some point, it’s inevitable.

I checked around me, even though I knew I wouldn’t see her. “Alright, let’s go. We need to do something.”

Lizzie nodded, a look of understanding upon her face. “Where do we begin to start?”

I ran my hand through my hair, “The only place I can think of is her house.”

“Would she be stupid enough to go there and not think that we’ll come looking?”

“I’m guessing she thought her tracks would be covered or that she’d have enough time anyway.”

Lizzie pondered the situation and glanced back at where we had come from. “You know this is all my fault, right? I let Echo stay...” Lizzie’s eyes shone with unshed tears as I pulled her into my arms. I breathed in her scent and sighed, I missed Evain.

“I know it’s not your fault. But we should probably get going, I have a bad feeling about all of this...”

I stepped back and held out my hand to Lizzie. Whatever we had to face, we wouldn’t do it alone.

Thunder’s POV

As I stalked back upstairs to check on my one and only prisoner, I was hit with a scent of Echo, as if she had been here recently. I narrowed my eyes and took the last few steps at a run. If she’s disobeyed me again...

I burst through the door and was hit with a sharp blow. I felt momentarily dazed and when my eyes focused I saw Damon about to lunge at me again. With my head pounding from the blow, I managed to step to the side just in time as he crashed face first into the iron door. Damon recoiled so fast I barely saw him. Curses flew as burns appeared on his face. I smirked to myself, at last, some pain.

“You should stay away from that, you know. It could cause you some real damage.” I smiled at him as he glared at me, the burns bright red and glistening.

“You’re making a very big mistake.” His voice was hoarse and some sort of power was threatening to erupt. The next minute the temperature in the room was icy and the lights had gone out.

I looked around me, to see if I could find an explanation to the sudden drop in temperature. The lights? Well, the electricity here has always been a bit dodgy.

When I looked back at Damon he had moved into the shadows of the already dark room. I could just about see the room and where I was, but where Damon was standing, I saw nothing at all.

A low growl rumbled through the room and he stepped out of the shadows menacingly.

What I saw made my jaw drop and I fled from the room leaving the door wide open.

Damon’s POV

He just kept pushing me.

He wouldn’t stop.

I just couldn’t hold it back any longer, it was consuming me.

As the darkness coursed through me, I hoped he hadn’t run too far, I could do with a good fight.

Though right now wasn’t the time. I lifted my head and breathed in deeply. I couldn’t smell Evain but I was able to vaguely sense her. It was better than nothing.

The thought of her made my throat ache. Her blood. Blood! I was craving blood so badly. Never this bad.

I crashed into walls blindly and smashed into various decorative vases scattered along the threadbare carpet.

My throat was burning, I was gasping for a liquid, yet none could quench a thirst this bad unless it was blood.

Ignoring my desire to find Evain, I let my instincts take over and I knew I was heading straight towards humans. Somewhere in my subconscious I hoped that it wasn’t a populated area.

Lizzie’s POV

I was still clasping his hand. I knew it wouldn’t be warm, but it gave me a warm feeling. Comforting. Like that teddy you always kept with you every night. Reliable and soothing.

Trees whizzed past us as I squeezed his hand. I wished I could stop the sad look upon his face. I could tell it was about Evain, it always was.

He glanced at me, smiled appreciatively and squeezed back. There was no need for words as we sped through the night in search of Evain.


Okay, the next chapter will be up in a day or two as I'm already working on it.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, vote and comment! :D 

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