Chapter 4

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Sorry for the delay guys, I've been busy with revision :/ But here you go anyway. The song I chose was Built For Sin because it seemed fitting hehe. Vote and comment if you enjoy! :)


Evain’s POV 

Everyone seemed to be acting weird around me, and though I understand why Damon’s behaving like that, but Lizzie? We were getting on just fine before she told me to go and talk to Elijah. I sighed as I made my way back down the corridor. When I passed a door near the stairs, I thought I heard something inside the room. I hesitated, wondering whether I should go in and see what’s in there. But then I thought against it, I needed to talk to Elijah about Damon and sort out this mess. 

When I got back to my room, Elijah was sitting by the window looking out towards the maze. I smiled, he reminded me a bit of me as that’s where I went when I was thinking. 

“Don’t tell me, you went to see Damon again?” Elijah muttered, not making eye contact. 

I narrowed my eyes at him. “No, I was with Lizzie actually; she was showing me her room upstairs.” 

As I said that, Elijah stiffened and turned to face me. “You were with her upstairs alone?” 

I nodded at him slowly. “Why? Are you going to ban me from seeing her too?” I snapped. 

“Only if she kisses you again.” He snapped back. 

I gasped. “You saw that?” I felt my face heat up slowly. “I had nothing to do with that.” 

“You didn’t exactly back away.” 

“What’s your problem Elijah? You’re so jealous of everyone.” I went and sat on the bed and put my head in my hands. I guess I just couldn’t please everyone. 

I felt the bed sink down next to me. “I’m just not sharing you. Hey, look at me, I’m sorry.” 

I raised my head and found him right in front of my face. His hand cupped the side of my face and pulled me towards him. When his lips pressed against me it was gentle, soft and I felt myself melting against him. Warmth spread through my body and I pressed myself closer to him. I had forgotten how good he made me feel. 

He was just pushing me down against the bed when he froze. 

“What’s wrong?” 

“I just heard someone at the door.” I listened closer and I heard faint knocking. No one was moving to go and answer it. 

“I guess we’ll go then.” Elijah said, annoyance in his voice. 

I ran my hands over his tense shoulders. “There’s no reason why we can’t come back to this.” 

He smiled wearily at me before taking my hand and leading me downstairs. I opened the door, Elijah standing guard. But his defences immediately dropped when he saw who was on the other side. 

“Echo! You got away from him!” Elijah beamed at her whilst she looked at me uncomfortably. She was small, curvy, blonde and cute. No wonder Elijah was beaming like a fool. 

“Can I come in? I’d really like to see Lizzie… I promised, you see.” Her voice was sweet and innocent. So she’s the angel that Elijah was talking about. Jealousy rose up inside of me momentarily, but I realised she wasn’t here to see Elijah; she was here to see Lizzie.

I smiled sweetly at her. “I’ll show you where she is, follow me.” I took off in the direction of Lizzie’s room, Echo not far behind me. 

Lizzie’s POV

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