3. I'll kidnap you

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I woke up and walked downstairs to see Catharine asleep on the couch. I rubbed my eyes sleepily and fixed my glasses back. I reached over and shook her shoulder slightly as her eyes fluttered open.

"We have school in an hour." She nods and yawns, stretching effortlessly. She smiles when her eyes land on me and I give her a small smile back.

Catharine walked upstairs and got dressed in her emergency cloths she leaves here.

Wow...it's almost like she...

I shook my head and chuckled to myself. No way.

When she came downstairs she was dressed and walking with a spring in her step. I smiled, one thing I liked about her is that she leaves all her problems in the past.

I took my coat and we walked to school talking about anything except last night.

"What are you going to do when you get to school?" She asked and I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Collin and Chase, they're just going to keep hurting you and-"

"Catharine, I can handle them. They don't bother me." Anymore.

She stood dead in her tracks and gave me a look like I was crazy but she didn't say anything. She just scoffed and stomped her way to school.

I didn't understand why she was so worked up about it. My bullies, my problems.

When I walked to school Collin and Chase didn't do much, words but unusually not a hand was laid on me. I was on edge all day, afraid of what they were planning.

I didn't stay in the hallways for thirty seconds, practically running to class. I was afraid and I didn't care who knew.

I went to lunch and sat in my usual spot but I didn't eat. I just did my homework for the day and decided I would draw a bit.

I slowly started drawing the meadow in the distance. I drew each flower with the same amount of delicacy and wondered. Why can't people be the same? Why can't we just all treat each other with the same respect as the next? What was so wrong with that?

I sighed and kept drawing. I drew a small boy in the middle holding himself in fear. He was lost. I drew the sky grey and cloudy. The flowers around him were the only beautiful thing there.

I heard the bell ring and I packed up my homework and drawing before rushing to class.

"Hey Alex." Catharine greeted me as I took my seat. I smiled and waved at her.

"How are you?" She smiled brightly at my words. "I'm better." I chuckled and she sat down next to me.

"What are we doing after school today?" Conner asked from behind me, startling me.

"Geez Conner, don't do that." He chuckled. "What do you mean?" His face dropped into an obviously annoyed expression.

"Seriously, you forgot? Wow, what is the world coming to." He wiped a fake tear and held his hand up, shunning me. I racked my brain for tomorrow.

It's only Friday, September 21- oh.

My palm met my face as I groaned. "I'm sorry Conner, I'm such a horrible friend." I let my head fall on my desk ignoring the pain.

"It's ok, it's not like 18th birthdays matter anyway." He joked and slapped my back.

"I'm kidding dude, I'm throwing a party." Oh no. Conner noticed my uneasy look as I searched for a good excuse to miss it.

"You're going. I'll kidnap you." I looked to Catharine with wide eyes. I mouthed, 'help'. She shrugged and smirked.

"Ugh, fine. I'll go but I'm making an appearance and leaving." He punched the air and like he was magic, the teacher, obviously late, walked through the door; or more like stumbled.

Everyone snickered and he glared at everyone, shutting them up. Then it was my turn to chuckle lightly.

"Alright class, sorry I'm late, but today we will be doing a group project. Catharine and Alex will be together. Conner and Alyssa. Dylan and Alice. Tristan and Fatima." He went on to name off the students. One pattern I noticed, was that every partner was the opposite sex from the other.

"So I'm sure that you noticed that every girl has a guy partner and vice versa. Today we will start the childcare project. For those who might end up pregnant soon." His eyes snapped to Alice and some other girls. Some girls looked upset and embarrassed but Alice narrowed her eyes. "Do you have a problem with me?" She called him out and everyone gasped silently.

I watched intently.

"Interrupt my class again and we'll have problems." He threatened but she didn't even blink. "Make me look like a whore again and we'll have problems." She promised.

"Detention, now!" Why was he giving her detention. "Aw look, Mr. Harvey is mad cause he got called out." She mocked him and left the class.

I watched the door where I last saw her. I always admired her guts, I smirked. He deserved it, most of those girls were virgins and he did that just because they're pretty. Alice, I wasn't sure, in fact, no one was.

"Mr. Pedrosa would you like to join her?" I thought about talking back like Alice, but in the end I didn't. I couldn't afford detention.

"No sir." I hung my head down and I heard a few snickers around me. I sighed and listened to the lesson.

We were going to "raise a baby" with our partners. They were actually just robotic dolls that screamed every five minutes. Very realistic.

When the bell rang I ran out of the room just to run into someone. I was still standing but the other human wasn't. I looked down at Alice and helped her up; apologizing. "It's ok, just be more careful." She smiled lightly and I smiled back.

"Alex." I held my hand out to her and she shook it. "Alice." I already knew her name but I was enjoying her manners. I don't usually get that.

She walked away to her class saying goodbye. I waved back and walked to my next class with a smile.

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