2. Relationships are not my thing

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"ALICE!" That was my oh so lovely cue to get out of bed. I groan and roll over not wanting to get up.

Joyously, I get out of bed and skip to my closet. Ha, yeah that'll be the day.

I pick out my usual outfit, band shirt, dark jeans, boots, and beanie. I apply my light but dark eye make up and bite my lips to naturally make them darker.

I walk downstairs and murmur a quiet goodbye to everyone. I get in my beloved truck, Sofia. I run my hands over the dash.

"Come on girl, time to wake up." She starts up and we head off to fairy land.

Or hell, aka school.

I park my baby in my usual spot and walked into the school. I go straight to my locker which my friends for me waited at.

"Hey." Amanda, my best friend, said and continues putting her things away. I murmured a short hello and we walked to class.

I was joined by my over protective, arrogant, and stubborn friend Tristan.

"Tristan I have to go to class. Your class is that way." I pointed toward the other directions. He ignored me and kept walking me to class. Ugh. Sometimes I wonder if he's my friend or my body guard. He's been like this since it happened.

Suddenly, I see some girls snicker and stare at me. I stop in my tracks and everyone moves around me, not daring to hit me. The girls saw me and quickly turned around and pretended they were innocent.

"Come on, I know your lives consist of nothing besides the strip club and tangerine colored make up, but seriously, find something better to talk about." Their  jaws drop and their faces turn red as people snicker around them. One let's out a weird girly 'hm' sound and stomps away, the others following.

I walk to my class and sit in the back left corner and draw like usual.

I tuned out the teacher and thought of some of my favorite songs. I hummed quietly to myself, not even audible to anyone except me.

When the bell rang I went to class and sat with Amanda, Tristan and a few of my other friends. I ate and Tristan started the conversation.

"Hey Autumn?" I glanced up indicating that I'm listening. "I really missed you."

I thought for a second just watching him.

"Yeah, I miss pizza." Amanda tried to hide the snicker with her hand. Tristan seemed hurt, but I shrugged and continued eating.

Tristan and I dated a long time ago, but I don't want to be with him. In fact, I don't really want to be with anyone. Relationships aren't my thing.

The rest of my day was pretty black and white. That is, until I saw Collin and Chase.

I saw them kicking a boy and I got angry; not in my school and they know that. I glared at them and soon they left him. I saw the boy spit blood and I was going to help him but he got up and walked away. I blinked blankly and went to my class.

Our classes are different, we get to choose an early release or a late start. I chose the early release but most chose the late start. It's not really an early release when you start earlier than anyone else.

I watched the boy walk to his class with his head down. I just walked away, trying to push it to the back of my mind.

I turned to start walking when I ran into Amanda who was scrutinizing me. I just narrowed my eyes at her and continued to walk away.

Why do people do that? Bullying. I mean I get it if it's defense but what did that boy do to them? Also, that boy just laid there, not caring that Collin and Chase could've broken his ribs. I mean seriously, get back up and fight back! Although, I do admire his self control. He must've wanted to fight back.

I shut my thoughts down before they could go any further, not wanting to remember anything from the past. Amanda gave me a knowing look and I just shrugged.

"Hey are you coming to my house tonight?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah he left this morning." She nodded. "Where to this time? Anywhere cool?" She always tried to cheer me up, but I was used to him leaving. It was no big deal. I shrugged, seriously not knowing.

"I think Kentucky again but I'm not totally sure. He should be back soon." She nodded and we walked to our last class.

When school was out we drove to our favorite ice cream place.

"So I heard Josh likes you." I fought the discomfort that pounded in my head. "Really?" I tried to act interested.

"Yeah, he's so shy and cute. I'd date him if I didn't have Cedric."

Cedric was her boyfriend, obviously. My ex and I had set them up and they ended up lasting longer than us, which isn't surprising. Cedric was awkward, a lot like her but he was caring and funny. He loves her and that's all I care about.

I held onto the thought of my ex, Ryan. He was tall, skinny, funny, amazing. I love him. He loved me, but he left me and soon moved on.

Amanda pulled me out of my thoughts. "Hello?" I shook my head and smiled, chuckling.

"Sorry, I zoned out. Yeah Josh is ok but I don't know. He's just not my type. Jocks and cheerleaders? No thanks." She shrugged and nodded.

"He is a jock but I mean, he's shy and cute."

"You said that already." Amanda glared at me and I held my hands up in mock surrender.

"I know but seriously, you haven't dated anyone in six months." I rolled my eyes.

"Relationships are not my number one priority, Amanda." Now it was her turn to roll her eyes.

"Whatever, you're going out with him. You can't turn him down." She was challenging me.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm Alice Jones, I can do whatever I want." I smirked and threw my trash away. I motioned for her to follow me out the door and she did.

On the way out, I saw a girl and a guy holding hands lovingly. The guy bumped her shoulder and they laughed together.

Definitely not my thing.

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