1. Just the little nerd boy

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My alarm screams at me to wake up and I mentally remind myself to burn it later. I groggily get off my bed and get dressed, wearing my usual t-shirt, skinny jeans, and vans. I comb my long hair and toss it to the side of my face. My glasses are placed so that I can walk around without falling on my face.

I get in my white Dodge Charger r/v and drive to school, parking in the back as usual. I walk in, going to my locker and seeing Catharine and Conner arguing as usual.

"I'm just saying a piercing would be cool you know?" Conner says. "Oh yeah, that's a great idea Conner. What's next, tattoos? Hair dye? Parties? Drugs?" Conner rolls his eyes and I chuckle.

"What do you think Alex?" I shrugged. "I don't see why not." Catharine gave me a look like 'are you kidding me?'

"Come on guys we're gonna be late for first." I grabbed my books and ran into Chase and Collin. I sighed and kept my head down.

"Hey nerd boy." I gave Conner the signal to get Catharine out of here and he did. I didn't respond to Chase, I just kept my head down. "I was talking to you dork!" I received a blow to my stomach knocking the wind out of me as I toppled over. I gasped for air and didn't see Collin's foot heading towards my face.

Now on my side I laid there as Chase and Collin laughed. "You're worthless you know that? I don't even know why I'm wasting my time with you. You deserve it though, every bit of it. You're just a waste of space." Collin smirked.

I was too busy spitting the blood out of my mouth to listen to them. I watched as they walked away, satisfied and I watched how everyone else just stood there. I got up and walked to first wiping the blood on my wrist. I sat in the back, not wanting to be seen and read the chapters written on the board.

I had already read three chapters ahead so I just stared at my book. I wrote my notes down and answered the questions but I still had twenty minutes of class left. I packed up my things and sat there reading my novel.

I was thirty-three page in when the bell rang and I walked to my locker. Conner walked up but didn't say anything about my cut lip. We got our books and walked to class.

During lunch I went outside with my food and sat under my favorite oak tree. Conner sat next to me along with Catharine. Catharine tried to tend to my cuts and bruises but I wouldn't let her. She gave me a look of sympathy but I just shrugged.

"Those guys are jerks I swear next time I see them gonna gonna-" "Do nothing. You won't do anything." I told her and she let her head hang low. I sighed and ate my food in silence.

It's not that I don't want to fight back, or that I can't but the fact that it won't help. It'll only add fuel to the fire and that's far from a solution. In order to win a war, you need skills and smarts. You can have all the money, all the strength, but if you're stupid, you lose automatically.

I went to my classes throughout the day as normal, and I had no more encounters with Chase and Collin.

After school I went home to my parents and they smiled and waved. I waved back and went upstairs to my room. I take out my homework and finish it quickly. I contemplate on my new project and start drawing out my ideas on paper.

By the time I'm finished with everything, it's about 7:00pm. I hear my phone beep and I fish around for it until I feel the cold glass against my fingertips.

Catherine: it happened again. Can I come over?

Alex: sure

I sighed and waited for the door bell to ring. I went downstairs to see her eyes red and all around her eyes was black. I fought the urge to cringe and invited her in.

Catharine was abused at home. Her father hit her and molested her, only once was she raped but it's enough to scar her.

I hugged her tightly and we stood there like that until I felt her breathing calm down.

"Alex I'm so tired of it. I can't do this anymore." She sobbed and I rubbed her arm in comfort.

"What are you going to do?" I asked. What is she supposed to do? It's not like she has any other family. My family won't allow another girl to stay here.

She shrugged obviously going into her numb stage. I sighed and held her until she fell asleep.

Carefully laying her down and laying a blanket over her, I walk upstairs and go to sleep myself.

Although, hours later I can't find myself to sleep.

What if things could be different? I worry about anything and everything and I'm so tired I can't sleep. My parents, as loving and amazing as they are, push me into school and being a doctor but I don't want to be a doctor. I don't even know who I am.

I toss and turn in my bed until I finally go to sleep.

Yep, this is my life, just the little nerd boy.

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