"But you're going to ask them anyway?" He asked and I nodded. "When do you plan on doing that?"

"Well not tonight, they'll be drunk out of their minds. And not tomorrow either because they'll all be grumpy arses the whole day. Maybe sometime during the week"

"Sounds good to me" Cameron nodded.

"Might want to head back to the party before people wonder where we have gone" I said and he stood up, holding out a hand for me.

I smiled gratefully and took it before we headed back into the main garden. The ice buckets that had previously been stuffed with beer and wine were nearly empty and there were empty bottles stacked in a huge pile at the side.

"I just feel sorry for anyone who has to deal with these people tomorrow" I sighed.

"That includes you" Cameron pointed out obviously.

"Thanks, you know if you hadn't have said that I wouldn't have even realised" I said sarcastically and he smirked. "Except I've got five of them to deal with"

"Five? Aren't the girls staying as well?"

"Yeah they are but they'll probably be sensible and not drink to much. I mean they'll be hungover but not like the boys" I sighed at the thought of having to deal with them all day.

"You could come over to my house if you want?" Cameron offered.

"I'd love to but someone's got to look after them" I said reluctantly and he nodded in understanding.

"ZOE!" Niall shouted and stumbled over to us.

"Don't listen to him he literally makes no sense when he's had to much to drink" I mumbled to Cameron who laughed.

"Hey Niall" I said cheerily and just about managed to catch him before he fell over.

"Whoops" he said and smiled sheepishly.

"How much have you had to drink Niall?"

"Only" Niall started to count on his fingers but then gave up because it was obviously to confusing for him. "A few"

"A few?" I asked in surprise.

"Who's this?" Niall slurred, pointing a finger at Cameron. "Are you Simon Cowell?"

"Um..." But before Cameron could answer Niall had grabbed him by the elbow and started dragging him towards the drinks table.

"Drink with me Simon" Niall said handing Cameron a bottle of bear.

"I'm sorry but I don't drink" Cameron tried to hand the bottle back but Niall put a hand out to stop him.

"Of course you do!" Niall said enthusiastically. "Come on you're not leaving until you've downed that whole bottle"

Cameron sent me a help look but I was so busy laughing I couldn't do anything. Cameron had taken three reluctant gulps when Lou ran over and put her hands on Niall's shoulders.

"Niall, why don't we go and dance yeah?" She offered and he nodded eagerly.

"Thank you so much" Cameron mouthed to her as she walked away and she chuckled.

Cameron walked over to me with the beer bottle still in his hand.

"You do know you can put that down now?"

"I don't know it's kind of nice" he shrugged and out it back to his lips, making me look shocked. "Joking joking"

He placed it onto the floor and we carried on waking around the party until we found Lux running around wildly.

Adopted by One Direction 3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon