Chapter 5

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Clarity's P.O.V.

"So Clarity, when did you start hanging around with my boys?" Maria asked me. John also looked curious at when I met all these crazy boys.

"We all started hanging out in middle school. I tried my best to help them train during the summer this year to make sure they stayed on the football team," I told Maria before eating some of these homemade french fries she made. They were delicious!

"Wow, I couldn't even get any of these boys to stay in shape. They would never get their lazy butts off the couch for me. I was surprised when they told me they were going to go somewhere and train for football," John said surprised.

He looked at all of the guys with a smile. Probably thinking what I already know. They all like me, they've all liked me since tenth grade when they never got a girlfriend again.

"So, what sports do you play Clarity? You must play football since you help my boys so well, and do you play anything else?" Maria asked me. The boys all started laughing at Maria's question. She gave a curious look at each of the boys.

"What's wrong?" Maria asked.

"She plays to many sports, none of us can even name all the sports she plays," Dennis said while continuing to laugh.

"Well I would like to hear all the sports you play, be interesting if I could give you a few pointers on anything," John said.

"Football, soccer, basketball," Kyle started off.

"Acro and swimming," Justin added.

"Volleyball and archery," Jackson added.

"Tennis and street hockey," Timothy added.

"Pool," Dennis added. He only remembers pool because I always beat him at it, and he says that he's a pro.

"Track, bowling, and gymnastics. Did I miss anything Aaron?" Kyle asked Aaron.

"Nope, I don't believe you did," Aaron said with a smirk. They all looked at me, wondering if I kept track of everything they all said.

"You guys missed my martial arts and my shooting," I said to the boys. They all groaned because they only missed two. They used to only remember three of them. That's how bad they used to be at remembering all my sports.

I looked towards Maria and John to find both of their mouths open wide in surprise. They were frozen like that for a while until Kyle snapped his fingers in front of his parents eyes.

"Wow, I didn't realize you did so many sports Clarity. That's quite a lot," Maria said. I smiled at Maria, it's a lot to keep up with, but I'm somehow naturally good at sports.

"Yea, it's easy keeping up with them all," I replied. We all continued to eat while talking. I learned that when the boys were younger they wanted to play football, but they had to do something to help them learn how to play football.

"I actually still have a disk from their first ballet recital all together. It was so cute, dancing around when they were only five years old, and then they did it for three more years," Maria said making all of the boys blush.

"Now why didn't anyone ever tell me that you used to take ballet?" I asked while looking at the six boys. The boys all groaned and sunk deeper into the chair. I couldn't help but laugh at their embarrassment. This was all to funny.

"We could all see the video when we're eating dessert. I think we can have ice cream and pie on the couch," Maria said while making the boys all yell no at her. John just started laughing and shook his head at the boys.

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