Chapter 1

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Clarity's P.O.V.

First day back at school. Yippy, not really. At least it's the last year of high school before I graduate.

A yawn came out my mouth after I got off the bus. I didn't get much sleep last night. I don't know why, but I just couldn't sleep.

My best friend came up and placed her arm over my shoulder. She's taller than me, what can I tell you I'm a shortie.

"Hey Sam, how was your summer?" I asked her while giving her a smile. We've been friends for years. Well, not really, just until middle school, but that's still long.

"Too much homework, how about you?" Sam asked me. I shrugged, Sam knows me I always say it was great.

"Come on, let's get inside and get to our homerooms," I said. I wanted to see what I had, last year of high school. I have this feeling that it's going to be different.

I noticed that there were two crowds. One was in the parking lot while another was on the other side of the parking lot. We never have crowds unless there's a fight? Both of the crowds were too close to be a fight, so what's going on?

The security guards started running towards the crowds. I shrugged it off and just walked inside. I didn't even want to know what was going on. I always hear about it through the gossip going around the school.


The school day wasn't so bad. I've heard that there's these two 'hot' kids in school. I rolled my eyes every time a girl would say how hot they were.

It's just ridiculous what girls will say is hot these days. Lunch was a group with my friends. I missed all my friends over the summer. I wonder how I even survived without them.

The people I hang out with during lunch are still the same I hung out with during middle school. These wonderful people turned my mind from innocent to dirty and you can thank them. Such great friends I have for doing that to me.

I had at least one of my friends in all my classes. I was finally in my last period class and I like this class, it was gym.

Sure I'm a nerd, but I'm not weak like most people think I am. I looked around for one of my friends, but only found the guys I hang with. Oh well, this is the only class where I will not talk to a girl.

I walked over towards the bleachers and sat down near the other six guys. I said hey to all of them with a smile and they all replied back.

Kyle Bradford, blond hair and blue eyes.

Justin Preston, brown hair and brown eyes.

Aaron Star, dark brown hair and blue.

Jackson Hall, brown hair and green eyes.

Dennis Phil, black hair and hazel eyes.

Timothy Hawk, black hair and green eye.

All the girls were throwing glares at me. All the girls in this school, except my friends, are envious of me because I hang out with the six most hottest guys in the school, and they're all on the football team.

I don't care about any of their titles and they've known that. I've hung out with these guys cause it's always fun. I hung out with them a few times over the summer and I helped them practice for their football training.

Kyle even said it's thanks to me that he's the teams quarterback. All six of the guys also helps the team stay together and avoid fights with each other.

"Alright girls, we're going to play some basketball today!" the coach yelled to everyone on the bleachers. The guys groaned at the coach calling them girls while I laughed at the boys near me.

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