Wild Animals

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Kusu's POV:

"Checkmate." I smirked at Ryu, putting my piece in place. He furrowed his eyebrows, and expression of exasperation on his face. "Again! Ugh!"

I laughed heartily, fiddling with my long fringe in between my fingers. Right at that moment, my phone started ringing.

I frowned when I saw Muka's name flash across the screen. I picked up the call, gesturing to Ryu that I was stepping outside. "What's up, sis?"

She giggled. "I found our bunny~" I beamed at that. "Bunny is alive? How is he?" She sighed. "They got hold of him." I growled. No one touches Bunny except us. "We're getting him back right?" I said expectedly. She snorted. "Of course dummy. He's our Bunny after all."

I grimaced at that. "Yeah, and look how that ended as." Hearing my tone, Muka gave me an irritated huff. But she knew I was right. If only we had not shielded Kai from what we did. If only we have told him who we really were. If only we made him happier. If only we spent more time with him. So many 'ifs' that did not happen.

I muttered a quick goodbye before hanging up and rejoining Ryu in his study. He took one look at me and frowned. "You're not very happy." He stated the obvious. "Bunny." I replied bluntly.

His eyebrows rose at that. "Bunny's back? So what are you going to do?" I threw him a look that asked if he was stupid.

"I'll wait before I pounce.

After all, that's what we wild animals do best." I smirked darkly before leaving the room.


"What is creepy twin doing here?" Fuuto grouched out. He had just come back from a shoot, according to my data. I was hogging the couch, reclining on it like a smug cat. Hah, cat. Ahahaha. Cat. Oh gosh, I should stop watching those cat videos with Ryu whenever we are bored. I cringed inwardly. I waved a hand dismissively at him, throwing him a bored look. "What's arrogant, stuffy singer doing here?" I retorted. He fumed, clenching his fists by his side. "Come on, hit me. Try it." I taunted, getting off the couch to hop from one foot to another in front of him.

Suddenly, he threw his left fist out, and I slanted to the right to avoid the hit. Clicking his tongue, he quickly raised his right fist, about to strike again. I let him strike my shoulder. However, the momentum of his body was too fast, and he fell onto me, effectively making us fall back onto the couch, with him above me.

"Hey, Kusu, where's the wire ..." Da-L trailed off as he caught sight of the suggestive position Fuuto and I were in. As me and Fuuto looked at the stairs in unison, Hikaru appeared from the hallway leading to the rooms and stopped short at the sight of me and Fuuto on the couch. Hikaru raised an eyebrow. "Fuuto ... Are you gay?" Hikaru questioned with a serious look on his face.

Fuuto, realising the situation, sat back on his haunches and waved his hands frantically. "Wha- No! It's not what you think! I ... He ... and then the ..." He spluttered, face turning red in embarrassment. I turned onto my left side, Fuuto still trapping my legs. I propped myself on my elbow, head lolled back as I observed him. Ha, he's cute when he's blushing, I mused.

I pulled him down by the front of his shirt, slamming his mouth onto mine. Hmm, sweet. I thought, tasting honey chapstick on his lips. I released him, licking my lips. "Yummy," I growled, swiping my thumb under my lip. I gave him a predatory smirk. "Guess what, Asahina Fuuto? You're my new target."


"Ooh, sexual tension levels just rose!" Da-L said loudly, an unapologetic look on his face. "S-Shut up!" Fuuto yelled as his face flushed in mortification. I resumed my previous position on the couch, a smug look on my face.

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