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Hey everyone, this is my first fanfic (online). I hope that you'll like it! Critics are welcome and covers as well! 

Disclaimer:I do not own Brothers Conflict, because if I did, I'd run away with favorite brother whom I shall not tell. :P unless you want to guess, fine.

3rd POV:

"Man, this is boring. How much longer do we have to wait?" A boy wearing dark grey shorts and a dark gray hoodie asked. He had a black bandana tied to his wrist. The figure beside him, on his left, wearing a navy shirt, very dark blue bermudas and a black bandana around her head, covering her eyes, held up 6 fingers.

"6 hours? Alright!" The boy cheered. Another figure on his right whacked the boy's head.

"Ow!" The boy exclaimed.

"No you idiot, 6 times 2 hours. Do your Math between now and the time we are meeting the clients." The boy rubbed his head, straightening his back and looked at the figure on his right, who was clothed in a black T-shirt and grey pants. As well as a black bandana tied on his neck.

Two other figures on the same long couch watched them boredly. One of them sighed tiredly and spoke up.

"Firstly, what are we all doing here? Let alone sitting on this couch together." He rubbed his face tiredly. "Secondly, shouldn't we all go to sleep since we are meeting the client at 8 o'clock tomorrow and it's like, 9 o'clock at night? Besides don't we usually go 1 hour earlier due to our uncanny habit of house-crashing our clients place?"

The boy with the bandana around his wrist heard this, and jumped up.

"Today is a glorious day, crew! We have gathered here on this day for bonding time!" He exclaimed, sparkles surrounding him. The guy with the neck bandana facepalmed and slowly dragged his hand down his face.

"If you have nothing to do, go clean up your room, brat." At this, the boy went to a corner to sulk.

"Why can't I leave it to Aku-san?" He pouted. "I hate cleaning my room." The neck bandana guy glared at the sulking boy and said, "For your information, brat, I don't remember Akuma becoming the maid, let alone manservant. That only happens to the client, which you are and will not be. So go and be a good boy and clean your room, and don't rely on Akuma to do everything for you, brat." At the last part he scowled at the boy.

The boy started crying streams of tears. The blindfolded figure stood up and walked towards the boy, hearing his noisy sobbing. The blindfolded figure offered a hand to the boy. Upon seeing this, the boy clung to the figure's leg.

"You're so kind, Akuma! Better than that slave-driving Captain!" The boy cried happily, throwing himself at the girl in an attempt to kiss her. At this, Akuma held out her hand and smacked the boy on his face, stopping him from stepping into her personal space. Akuma turned to the couch and waved before going to the stairs to the second floor, dragging the boy who was still clinging on to her. 

Once the went upstairs. The remaining 3 people on the couch sighed in relief. 'One less problem in this room.' They thought. "We better get some sleep, brats. For tomorrow, first thing on the schedule is 'house crashing'." Captain smirked.


"Wah! No! How could you Akuma! I now think that you are worse than Captain!! Wah! God, someone, help me!!"
The three on the couch heard crashing, banging and screaming from the second floor. "Hey Captain, should we go help?" one of the figures asked. "No just stay here and listen to our entertainment." Captain replied. All three looked up at the empty second floor indoor balcony and smirked in amusement.

Black Operandi [Brothers Conflict ff]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum