Chapter 20 The eve of the raid

Start from the beginning

"I want to isolate Railton House from the police. We can cut the land-line, that's simple. But the mobiles are a problem. I thought we'd put a little programme into our system here, and get someone to initiate it when we call from the helicopter. Then all the portables will be dialled simultaneously. That'll cause enough confusion. If anyone answers all they'll get is a tone." 

"Can you guarantee four lines free on your system?" 

"With a priority override. Someone may be upset temporarily that's all. I'll put a warning on the network for that morning."

"Who will you get to do it?" 

"How do you view Wendy?" I asked. 

"Very sound. I want to keep her. The personnel officer at Foot is a wanker." 

"He obviously upset you." 


"Wendy would do it for us, and not ask questions." 

"OK with me. How do you cut the landline without causing an outcry." 

"We are the proud owners of a genuine BT van, and some not so genuine overalls." 

"Graham are you collecting vans?" 

I laughed. "No, I traded the Transit in. It was much too comfortable. This one really makes you feel you're having a hard time." 

"Now, Graham, what else must we do before dinner? I want a swim. Then I could murder a big steak, and a bottle of good red wine. Railton House may be sophisticated but their work offices are mean." 

I said, "You have to agree an estimate of extra cost for your mate Carlton." 

"I'll stay for that. I hope it's lots and lots of money." 

"Oh, it surely is." 

We finished going through the estimate. 

I wrapped up the offer with my letter, and put it on the scales of the franking machine. 

Liz said, "Damn, we've missed our swim. They close the pool at eight. Right you're getting up early and having one before breakfast." 

"Is this some conspiracy you've hatched between you and Ruth?" 

"No. Why?" 

"She says if - when - we get together she'll have me exercising, doing what I don't know." 

Liz sighed, "I'm sure she'll think of something." 

At breakfast next morning Liz asked, "How are we going to join Sir William's helicopter?" 

"I plan to pick it up at the Doncaster site." 

"Good. I'd like to meet Steve again. So what are you doing this fine Saturday?" 

"Another look at Railton House, particularly to find where to cut the telephone lines, and timing a run from Catterick to Railton House." 

"Right, I'll see you Monday, Graham, at about eleven at York Office." 

Mandy cautiously drove the BT van, with Ruth and Pat and herself clad in the grey overalls. I was in the box in the back, talking to Ruth via the WT. There were three cables to the house joined at a pole near the gateway. Ruth said, "I thought,you said there was an internet and a fax, that only leaves one phone line.  That seems rather limited." 

"You get two telephone lines in each of those cables." 

The cable then ran protected by a thin galvanised steel cover down to the ground. 

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