Chapter 13

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Tony's POV

It's now been a few months since Andrew shot himself and Skye looks ready to pop!  Skye said that the insanity that Andrew was harvesting from stealing the kids and doing the illegal thing called child trafficking. I wouldn't blame him though... Not!  He deserved to be insane for his actions! He was the idiot that decided it was ok to steal kids and sell them!  No sane person would do a thing like that!!! Just saying.

Candi said it reminded her of something she read when she was still alive... It's like being friends with a zombie, I swear.   She said the person went insane and killed his family... The rest of the day she was humming and muttering song lyrics.  When I asked her, she said the song was called painted smile.  I have no clue what goes through her mind half the time. 

Speaking of the undead person we know, she has been getting along very well with Skye's brothers.  I'm thinking its part of her job but oh well, let her have her fun.  She even got them to like this thing called Pokémon and lent them her extra games that was around when she was younger.  She is a weird one though.  Why would she like things that are older when newer things are better?

"They so are not!  I still like everything I grew up with... System of a down is my love though.... I just realized that my taste in music could throw me in the emo category... Oh well.  And yes you said that out loud Tony" she said, not looking up from her 3DS that I still have no clue how it survived this long with it falling out of her pockets of her Queen hoodie every day. 

Skye grinned at us. I can actually say that we all have became very close since meeting Candi.  Like best friend close.  Plus it doesn't help that she is over here like everyday to play with the boys, if not to hang out with us.  Mark seemed to like her too so he always allowed her to come and Jack is linked with her too. 

I smiled where I was sitting, right beside Skye with my arm around his shoulders.  He has gotten a lot closer to me since that incident too.  I'm glad about that.  Skye rested his head on my shoulder and yawned.  This kid inside him has been taking a lot out of him.  I looked at him as he smiled at me. No turned my head to find Ashton and Link giggling like idiots with our only female friend no where in sight. 

"I'm a creeper!" Candi yelled right behind me, leaning into my ear.  I jumped and turned to swat at her for scaring me.  The three boys in the room started to full out laugh.  I grumbled a 'not funny' to them which their response was to laugh harder. 

"Man I wish I remember the rest of the rap to completely scare you more but that's all I remember right now.." She sighed.  Man, what is with this female? I question her insanity sometimes. There was a his one time when she was teaching Ashton and Link about her hobbies and she started belting out every song she could remember and taught the boys to sing them too so for a month they just did it while she banged pots and pans together.

"You know what? I could never get used to the high schools in 'Murica or America depends on who I'm around. Schools in my home do nary was a lot easier to follow. We only had 4 classes instead of the many classes that we had this year..." She whined. We found out that Candi grew up in Canada, the polar bear country. We laughed and kept saying eh after every sentence and she just smacked us in the arm, saying she was tired of that joke.

Candi stated to him a very catchy tune that I haven't heard from her before. I gave her a questioning glance and she just shut up. I shrugged and turned my attention back to Skye, who was holding his stomach with care.

"Um, tony? I think my water broke. Unless I just pissed myself, I need to go to the hospital" he calmly said. I nodded, not really getting it until it sunk in. Skye was in labour. Shit! Mark came in right as Skye was saying that luckily and went into action. He scooped up Skye like he weighed a feather and was out the door super fast. I ran to keep up with 4 people following me to the car. Mark shoved Skye in the back and drive away while Jack was in the other one waiting for us to climb in so he could follow his speeding husband. 

Demons Can Be Angels But Humans Can Be Demons?!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ