Chapter 2

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"Skye, wake up bud.  You need to go to school."  Mark's voice startled me awake.  I looked around and saw I was in my bed... Weird, I don't remember falling asleep...  Mark caught the look of confusion on my face and sighed. 

"You made it to the end of the driveway and passed out.  It was from the pain and over exerting yourself.  Try and take it easy today ok?  Tony shouldn't be in school today because dad is at home keeping an eye on him as well as Grace.  She is royally pissed at him and I don't blame her.  He deserves the punishment he's getting" he sighed.  I just nodded.  I really wasn't in the mood to talk this morning unless I had to.

I got out of bed, wincing at the pain that shot through me and grabbed some clothes for school.  Mark beat me to out side my room and looked around.  Giving me the ok sign, I made my way to the bathroom.

I quickly showered and got dressed so I could go and eat. Today was simple cereal. I ate as fast as I could as Jack handed me money for lunch. I guess I'm running a little late for schedule today...

Jack went outside first and started the car... Yep really late today. I peeked at the clock and saw it was 20 minutes 'til 1st period... Shit! I groaned at the clock, begging it to go back an hour so I could have time to get to school and get to class befo- wait Mark said Tony shouldn't be attending school today so I finally get a break!

Stepping outside of the house, my foot fell into cold, plush whiteness that is snow. The end of October is harsh when snow comes! Halloween was right around the corner and the boys were super excited to go and grab candy for free.

I made a little path to the passenger side of the car and opened the door, getting in. Sighing, I placed my head into my hand, looking out the window. Luckily Jack got the message that I didn't want to talk today and silently drove to my school.

I nodded my thanks when he pulled up at the doors. I hurried in and got to my first class, English, before the first bell. I sighed in relief and relaxed in my chair, flopping my head on my desk.

"And he looked super stupid. My brother should've left him" a way too familiar voice laughed as he made his way to his desk, sadly right beside mine. Is shot my head up and snapped it towards the blonde sitting at his desk. Tony smirked at me and slid his fingers across his neck. I knew I'm in shit today. Why couldn't they leave me in bed today?!

"Class, we have two new students coming to our class today. Come in and introduce yourselves!" The teacher urged. A boy and a girl walked in together. They looked the exact same except the gender... Twins. I looked the other way because they wouldn't even get close to me. So why be friendly?

The way I turned my head was a stupid direction. Tony was in my sight and he was drooling over the girl. You could tell he was eye-raping her. My nose scrunched up in disgust before I turned my head again, that's when I smelt it. They are halflings. The female has her wings. That's what I can smell. Great! More people to beat me up because of my appearance.

"Hi everyone! I'm Natalie! I'm always hyper and love sweets! My girlfriend goes to this school!" The girl chirped. She won't last long now. I glanced over to the resident asshole and his face had scrunched up in disgust. I wanted to laugh but kept it in. I didn't want to be hunted down yet...

"Uh, um... Hi. I'm Andrew. I'm shy as you could tell. I'm always at my sister's side and I'm 17..." He trailed off awkwardly. I looked at Andrew and saw that he had snake bites and eye brow piercings. You could catch a gleam from his ears so he has those pierced too.

Looks like those two will be victims of Tony. I risked a look at Tony and what was in his eyes told me I was correct. He played cool though. I could tell the smile on his face was fake though. I could see the gears working in his head. I don't know how he is gonna get the other two though.

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