Chapter 3

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(Dragoon here!  Ok I know of one person who probably wants to burn me at the stake... As it is 2am here right now as I type this up.  (Yes I type my chapters up usually to help me fall asleep). So I know I said I wouldn't have Tony's POV but thanks to some unexpected development of the story... Stupid brain.  I'm gonna have a few paragraphs of Tony's POV but that is it.  It will clear up some questions but add more because I'm notorious for switching the blame to someone else... Let's see from John to Blacky and from Jack to Mark to Tony.... Yeah you can see I like to throw in plot twists.  It's so fun!!! Ok so enjoy the screwed up thing my brain puts out!)

Tony's POV

Eh, life.  That's all I gotta say about it.  Waiting for 7 days to pass so I can get a very hot female mate! I will slaughter my mate if I end up with a male one...

My brother Mark had brought over his adopted son, Skye yesterday to show me what I've done to him.  I was expecting the bruises but the cuts that scarred his pale body, I wasn't.  To tell the truth, I wasn't expecting many bruises as well.  The kid acts like the daily beatings don't affect him!  I gotta tone down a notch today. 

We got new kids at school and the chick was smoking hot... Until I found out she had a partner of the same sex.  That got a thumbs down for sure.  I could tell there was something wrong with the guy though.  He seemed... Off.

When I left class with my second period teacher, the class started to gossip about me like usual.  What I wasn't expecting was they were talking to Skye, who decided to take off his hoodie that hid the bruises and cuts on his arms.  The teach gave me the silent treatment and hung out around the door.

Yes there is a reason why I don't allow people to get near him.  I'm letting them know the awesomeness of not knowing the emo kid.  I really don't care if he isn't gay or an emo kid.  I will still call him that until he leaves this stupid town with his pathetic mate, when he gets one.  

During lunch, I was trying to find him and heard some whimpering from the boys bathroom. I swear if someone else beat me to beating him today. 

Imagine my shock when I find the new guy attempting to rape the kid.  I'm sure he already figured out he was a halfling that could give birth since I could tell they were halflings by the way they acted. He looked at me and pleaded for me to save him, which I did instantly.  I really didn't understand what was going on but my body moved on its own accord and tore the new kid off of Skye and proceeded to scream at him.  No one was allowed to bully Skye.  That was my job!  Plus the guy was gross.  I left the bathroom in disgust and went towards my next class.  I had most of my classes with him.  My phone buzzed and looked at the pic message that was presented on the phone.

Like my new toy?  To bad you couldn't save your nephew.... The phone read.  In the picture was Skye, backed in a corner with his eyes wide and he had changed into his half demon, half dragon form.  His ears were drooping and his hands were I front of him as his back was pressed against it.  What the hell?!  I quickly forwarded it to my brother and my phone buzzed as he tried to phone me.

"What the hell is that Tony?!  Don't tell me you are messing with me because I'm not impressed." His agitated voice sounded through the speaker.

"Mark, I'm freaking out.  Some random number that I never saw before sent me that picture.  Doesn't matter if I bully him or not, he's family and this has my protective family instincts on over-drive!" I panicked.  It was true though.  He was still family in the eyes of my brother and my family.  I could care less though.

"What the fuck?!  I'm sending Jack to the school right now!  Find Skye!  He is my baby.  My oldest one but still one of my babies!" He screamed.  I had to hold my phone away from my ear as he said that.  I sighed and told hm I will.  Well whoever has Skye, you have yet to meet his dad's wrath.  This should be fun.  I took a few steps and blacked out.

Skye's POV

I picked myself up from the ground and fixed my clothing.  I felt gross.  I left the bathroom after washing again and got yanked into the janitors closet.  I fumbled around for the string attached to the lightbulb.  Finding it, I pulled it and saw Andrew again.  Shit!  With him were a couple other Halflings.  That's when I knew I was fucked. 

"Pin him down" he ordered.  I got backed on a corner and a scorching pain shot through me.  Shit! Not now!  I was scared enough that I was changing.  I have found that if I'm scared or mad I change against my will.  It sucks. 

One of the guys brought out his cell phone and snapped a photo of me as I reached the corner.  One of the other guys reached in one of my pockets and found my phone. Shit!  I have my family and Tony's number in it.  Tony was for a dire situation and only if I was around my dads.the guy who had my phone read off a number which I rarely used, Tony's. 

Tossing the phone over to Andrew, he typed up something and hit sent as the beep sounded notifying the message was sent.  I don't want to know what he sent really. 

The guys that Andrew sent now had me pinned to the ground after they pushed me onto it.  I tried to wiggle free but it didn't help.  I sighed.  It was no use really.

"I knew it!  You are a demon halfling!  Boys, strip him." Andrew ordered.  The guys didn't hesitate.  I recognized one of them and he had a mate.  I saw him with her all the time at school.  They stripped me and Andrew praised the guys that he brought with him.

"You are gonna be a nice toy and let me fuck you so you can have my kid.  I always wanted a half demon kid." He remarked.  I didn't get a chance to question as he shoved himself in.  I screamed.  I thought that Tony's beatings were the worst.  Well this topped it, hands down.  He started to move and I was crying.  I screwed my eyes shut and waited until he came.  I wanted this to be over.  Badly. 

Soon I felt hot liquid inside me and I had the urge to throw up.  No!  I was saving myself for my mate.  Not be raped by a crazed person.  He did his pants up and turned to the door.

"You are MY toy now.  Don't forget it." With that, he left the closet.  The guys that he had brought, scrambled up and all but one went outside of the closet.

"Sorry but we gotta stop the number one asshole in the school.  And the best way of doing that is killing his mate." The guy said.  He stomped on my chest, right where my heart was a few times and I blacked out.  I sure hope I live because I don't want to die yet!  Even if there may be a child growing inside me in a few days. 

(Short chapter I know but something important happened!  If I don't completely trash one of the future chapters, Tony's POV should be more common after chapter 6 or 7.  So I want to kill two of the characters.  Don't worry Skye's life will start to get better soon.  Just don't find and murder me until then!  I'm a bit hyper because for some reason I've been repeating REDRUM for 5 minutes straight.... I need to see someone about this.... See you soon!)

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