#1: The Wall of Shyness

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And it's a wrap! Cheers & clapping all around.
"D'you have any plans for tonight?"  She almost jumped when she heard RJ's soft voice right behind her.
"None", she replied without looking at him.
His smouldering stares still unnerve her. She's not sure when she'll ever get used to them.
"May I take you home?  Let's get some coffee on the way..?"
Surprised, she looked up. Bad idea, Maine, she thought to herself. He was standing so close to her she could feel his warm breath on her cheeks. And his eyes, sigh, she could drown in them.
"Are u sure?" She stammered.
"Never have been in my life", RJ replied with a little smile.
She blushed & quickly picked up her stuff to hide it.
"I mean, are you done for the day?" Maine asked.
"Yup!" was his quick reply.

Inside the car with RJ, breathing is a bit difficult. Close proximity to him slows the oxygen from reaching her brains making her feel a little faint. They bumped heads when he tried to fasten her seatbelt for her and she was doing the same.
She laughed, "ano ba I can do this!"
"Haha sorry bout that, just trying to help," RJ said.
He breathed a deep sigh of relief to which Maine gave him a quizzing look.

RJ looked at her straight and said: "how come you're so uncomfortable with me in public? You seem aloof?"
"Haha no I'm not, I told you, I'm shy & normally not comfy around strangers." Maine replied.
"But even our conversations sometimes feel strained when we're with other people," RJ countered.

"I'm comfortable with you but I sometimes feel all eyes are on us, makes me feel self conscious," Maine explained.
Ok that's lie number 1, she thought. How do I explain to him I'm still not used to having him so close to me that every fiber of my being comes to life just knowing he's in the same room as me?

"I'll try harder, I promise," she braved to look at him.
Gosh this dimple will be the end of me, she thought.

"And how come you can't look me straight in the eyes again? Did I do something wrong?" RJ chuckled.
"Haha so funny, Maine said sarcastically, I told you before, you sometimes look at me differently, it makes me uncomfortable."
"Like this?" RJ teased, looking at her intently square on the face then suddenly his gaze dropped to her lips.
She hit him on his arm and said: "Start the car, RJ." Looking away, feeling all the blood rush to her face.

One-Shots & Flash Fics (AlDub/MaiDen)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon