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I slammed the front door,

Going upstairs. I laid down, rubbing my face. "Why didn't I just use a condom?" I said out loud, rubbing my stomach.

I laid under the covers to my bed, since it wasn't made from this morning, groaning. "Ughh.."

You prolly on yo fucking man period.

I rolled my eyes, hearing foot steps. "Pryce, I'm sorry for getting smart-" "IIII don't fucking care, leaving me alone." I said, waving my hand from under the cover. "I was only saying sorry." Her sniffing. "Oh my fucking god! One more month of this bullshit!?"

I den prolly scared the fuck out of her.

I sat up, her going downstairs. It was funny how she wobbled, but then I stopped laughing when I heard her groaning, I ran downstairs. She started crying, I took a chair from the island and held her in my lap. I wrapped my arms around her, letting her cry in the crook of my neck. "It's okay, I'm sorry Diamond." She laid on my chest, sniffing and making little noises. I carried her into the living room, laying both of us on the pull out couch part. We laid there for a minute before falling asleep.


Diamond tapped my cheek, me opening my eyes and staring at her. "What?" It irks me when she wakes me up for stupid shit. I still can't believe she not my girlfriend.

"Someone's at the door." I climbed from under her, holding my nine behind my back and looking through the peep hole. "Who the fuck is it? Gah damn." "Chip." "I don't want no Girl Scout Cookies. Go the fuck away." "Nigga it's Chip, Diamond's friend." I opened the door, making a stank face at her I slid my gun back in my waist band.

"Ew. Get yo ASAP Rocky ass on." I shut the door, going back in the living room and laying down. "Hey girl.. Look at you! Months pregnant." "Don't remind me." Diamond yawned. "Yo breath stink." I mumbled before she punched me.

"What happened between you and Chris the other day?" "He was kissing all up on another girl." I sat up. "Bitch. He is 23 years old. He can do whatever the fuck, Whenever the fuck. Last time I check, he never asked you out, from that point on. How the hell you go put my nigga in jail?" I made a 'bruh' face before laying back down.

"Pryce's does have a point.." She rolled her eyes. "I knew y'all was trouble." "Shut up!" I yelled. "Anyways, how old are you? You look small." "8 months." "8 months? Wow, it haven't been long. Boy or girl? Can I see the room?" They went upstairs. "Finally." I turned around, getting up and going in the kitchen.

I made me some Mac and cheese, watching re-runs of Bernie Mac on my Netflix. It's been an hour since they've been upstairs. At that they never came downstairs. "Okay, call me when you get home." Diamond said out the door. "Finally.. I don't know how long you was keep Raggedy Ann here." She hit my chest, sitting on top of me.

"Have you been practicing yo positions?" I asked her, her humming and looking around. "No? You better cause I'm not go be in that delivery room." "Yes-huh." "Nu-uh. Cause if I see that baby, wit cum and blood or whatever that white stuff be, I'm throwing the fuck up. Real talk." "It's a certain word that starts with a V.. Yeah. The doctor said I was 1 cm dilated.." She smiled faintly, laying down. "You won't be screaming yo head off, or squeezing my hand off will you?" I massaged her legs by moving them back and forth. "No.. I won't." She chuckled, closing her eyes.

"Hope not. I will put Kasha in there." She laughed lightly, hold her stomach. "I can't believe we're having a son." "Me neither. I can't believe you didn't cheat on me, knowing you could have had a boyfriend." She opened her eyes. "I loved you, Pryce." "Loved?" "You don't even like me." "Diamond. If I didn't like you I would have been in jail for murdering a unborn child. But, I love you too much for any of that to happen." She rolled her eyes. "Well, that." I laid her legs down, pulling shirt up.

"Mm.. You already getting bigger. Yo cat look swollen.. Camel toe.." I sung, making her cover her area. "Stop.." I laughed. "You know that's a good thing.. We minus well have another child." "No. He's it for right now."

"What if we have a girl after Brycyn?" I asked. She shrugged, sitting up. "Damn.. I think the second to last time we fucked.. The condom must've broke.. Or you must have went into the bathroom and sucked out the sperm." "What!? No!" She tried standing up as I laughed. "Help me up, ugly." She held her arms up. I helped her up, sitting her back down and kissing her. "Now you try."

"M-my feet hurt." "Ugh." I helped her up. She ate some of her fries, sitting at the island.


• Chip In Media.

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