Chapter 9: The Cure... But At What Price

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WARNING: This chapter involves blood.

Sonic's P.O.V:
We were watching Silvermist make a remedy but it failed, again... she has been at it 4 days straight. Throughout the time she fails, she punishes herself for it... I had kept it between me and Silver, and we both worry about that. Sometimes the children become scared so Silvermist stops whatever she was doing and comforts them, until they fall asleep... but she then gets up and continues working in the lab. I have just entered with Silver only to see, none other, working still. "That's it... you are to stop and rest." I growled to her.
"The truth is that I'm not even tired, I feel absolutely fine actually." She replied. I, on the other hand, feel so exhausted that I had found myself sitting on the ground now with Silver and Silvermist at my side. "Sonic! Sonic! SONIC!"
"Yeah..." I manage to reply to Silvermist.
"What just happened?" Silver asked me, but I just shrugged. We both looked at Silvermist hopping she would have an idea. I soon found something sharp in my arm only to just see that it was a needle that was grabbing some of my blood. Silvermist was doing something, but I feel so tired that... I found myself falling into darkness of deep sleep.

Silver's P.O.V:
Sonic suddenly was asleep after Silvermist got a sample of her blood. I watched Silvermist examine Sonic's blood, only to hear a small gasp coming from her. "What is it?" I whispered loudly.
"I think..." That's it, she's not gonna hear anything anymore. Suddenly I heard her chuckling. "I must have a brick for a brain, how can I be so stu..."
"What... what did you find?" I asked eagerly.
"The full cure, I just noticed after all this time what the whole cure is." My eyes widen in amazement and I suddenly found myself hugging Silvermist. "Sonic and I should rest, since we will need it later." I nodded and took Sonic while Silvermist locked the lab up, before we walked to our shared room. Silvermist was already asleep before hitting... NO touching the bed and I found myself chuckling while putting Sonic down and into bed, along with Silvermist. Before I managed to get into bed, someone gently knocked at the door. I opened it, only to reveal that annoying vampire who has been after me for some time.
"What do you want Mephiles?" I asked in a bit of anger, he looked as if he had some sort of nightmare.
"I need to talk to you privately and now." He looked worried and... crying? I had never seen him cry before. I let him into the room.
"Don't worry they are both asleep and will not wake up as easily." I chuckled but I was embraced into a hug along with feeling my fur starting to soak.
"Silver... Silvermist will find a cure but..." I could just make out what he was saying, only to find him too upset to barely talk. "...I thought they were nightmares at first but they have been too constant that they are actually a warning about the future..." I suddenly became worried.
"What is it?" I looked into his eyes that showed signs of worry and I soon saw his lids close. It may be important but after what he has been through... Mephiles defiantly needs the rest, so I placed him on a chair. I grabbed a pillow and put it behind Mephiles' head, and a blanket which was placed over the top of him. As I was about to go back to the bed to sleep I was suddenly stopped, Mephiles was holding me around my wrist. When I looked at him, I noticed that he seemed to be having another nightmare. I started to glide my fingers from my free hand, carefully through his quills and to my surprising... it had helped him calm down. Soon I found myself slowly falling asleep while he remained gripping my wrist.

Mephiles' P.O.V:
I awoke to see myself in a chair and gripping what happens to be Silver's wrist. She was shivering by the cold and I noticed that she didn't have a blanket over her to keep warm. I don't plan on keeping her here in the cold like that, nor have I had a sleep like that in a while... so I decided to wake Silver. "Hey Silver... Silver!" I whispered in her ear.
"Mephiles... is everything okay?" She asked me with a yarn. I could feel my cheeks heat up from blushing... wow, she really is cute.
"I woke up to see you shivering and I haven't had sleep like that, ever but... I was wondering if you would like to sleep under the blanket, I don't want you to get cold." She looked at me for a while before she smiled.
"Thank you Mephiles." She replied as I lifted the blanket for her to snuggle under. I soon found her asleep on me but... she happened to be hugging me. This sent warmth throughout my body and I gently hugged her back before falling asleep too.

Silvermist's POV:
After a good amount of rest, Sonic and I quickly made our blood mix together... after I had gathered and exchanged it between us. I put some blood from one of my last remaining few, sealed test tubes. I placed a bit of blood on two clean slides, away from one another, and we used our magic to see if it was going to be an easier way. Night is approaching as I placed both slides, one after the other, to see what has happened. I saw that working on our own has the same effects when our blood is used. Both Sonic and I emerged from the lab. "Thanks for letting me know Mephiles." Everyone smiled as I had mentioned that our magic has the same effect as our blood.

......Sonic and I have now been out in this cold night for a good half hour with still some vorgans left to cure. Those who had been cured already, had been taken up to safety and warmth from the winter's cold night. My parents were up there, already cured and happily talking to King Jules, but also gather our people for warmth. I continued updating everyone how many are left but I also mentioned that a snow storm was coming, but with enough time to cure the last few remaining... I managed to save the last of my people and we are now on our way back. We both are exhausted from everything and we didn't need to worry about getting caught by any vorgans, so we had many opened wounds. There was one deep wound across my eye, but I had made it become invisible after receiving it. Suddenly I could feel the storm has arrived, but earlier that it should have. "The storm has arrived!" I yelled to Sonic.
"But it should be arriving a little later!" She yelled back to me but we soon met the strong wind, of the snow storm. I could tell Sonic didn't have much strength left and I quickly got everyone, including Sonic. I sent them on the path, up to the door and managed to get them only half way. Sonic took over and sent the others the rest of the way but I suddenly could sense my friend's presence, out in the air. I can feel my energy leaving my body as I tried my best to make my way back but the storm was making it harder for me, as it pushed me back. There was an outline of a hedgehog with vampire wings coming to me and their presence grew.
"Shadow!" I weakly called out to him. Soon I felt myself falling and quickly met the cold, white blanket of snow that lies beneath me. The storm covered me in this white stuff as I could feel myself falling into darkness. I have no idea what has happened to Sonic and the others, it is a mystery. But I'm too tired to think about that, as I decided that my work is now finished... I shall have the rest that I, now... deserve.........

What will happen?Find out next time.

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