Chapter 5: The Vampire Hunter

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Sonic's P.O.V:
It has been 3 years since Silvermist has arrived and word has been spread about her, still on the hunt for the cure. She has become well known in the village and how the two of us have been attacked by Scourge and Mephiles, just so they could make us theirs but it backfired and made both of us stronger. I had been trained by her and she has become family with me after my mum, Queen Aleena and my two young siblings, Princess Sonia and Prince Manic got murdered but my father, King Jules managed to remain alive. Everyone knows that I have received training from Silvermist so they have stayed away from the both of us... but they know that Silvermist is more focused on finding what the cure is. Throughout the years Silvermist's glossy red fur and shimmering ruby red eyes, started to dull and her strength has slowly weakened... this is worrying all of us. I can't believe that she has been doing this for 13 years now... from our 5th birthday, to now. Yes, our 18th birthday is today and we both are up in the mountains doing more research in the keep's lab. Down in the village... they are planning to make a surprise party for us, but we kinda know that already. We had decided to take a break and go down to the village. We planned on making it obvious that we are coming, but pretending that we are unaware of 'the surprise party' planned in the village square. Silvermist had the idea of using more work on the cure as a 'distraction' for us but we would be making progress while this is happening. I defiantly can say that she is really smart.

We finally landed in the village square while talking more about the cure but we noticed that no one is around. "Silvermist... do you know what has happened?" I asked.
"... No. Where is everyone?" Silvermist replied after a while. She quickly looked at me. "We should cheek the castle." I nodded as my reply before we headed to the castle.
"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled once we entered the throne room but what got me was Silvermist had yelled surprise as well and is now giggling.
"I have heard that it had been difficult to surprise you so I decided to get in on doing the surprise party and unfortunately, I'm unable to get surprised that easily." I looked at her with a puzzled look. "I once was given a birthday party along with my friend and it was also a surprise but unfortunately it was only him who had the surprise. I knew about it even though everyone was careful with what they said." She slightly chuckled, we didn't see that coming. It seems we now know that she is not that easy to get... "SURPRISE!" She chuckled again. "How about looking outside to see my gift to the whole kingdom, after all... I have been here for 3 years now and out there is my thank you gift for everyone." Everyone looked out from the castle's balcony and into the village square only to see decorations up and tables with food and drinks out. Silvermist used her psychokinesis abilities and took all of us down into the square where some started to have conversations, some others were dancing and Silvermist and I entertained with the kids up in the sky using her powers. Scourge and Mephiles were nearby, so she quickly had a privet conversation with them while I stayed with the kids.

"Inform every vampire to watch out. There is a vampire hunter heading this way and she will not be that happy with what is happening at this moment." I could hear what Silvermist was whispering. Both of them looked at her. "Yes I did say she cause this hunter happens to be a girl. Also, if you would like more info about her, she is a silver hedgehog..." She stopped and sniffed the air. "She carries her trophies with her and happens to be 18 with her birthday... today." The two looked at each other once again. "If ya don't believe me, wait until she gets here but please inform every vampire to watch their backs. Unfortunately, only I need to since you have made me your strongest vampire." Silvermist then flew up into the air to join us again. The information spread to not just the vampires but also every adult mobian, including my father. It seems to be worrying everyone, they truly hope that Silvermist is wrong but that's the problem... she has never been wrong.

Silver's P.O.V:
I arrived when the sun was high in the sky and I could see that this village has many vampires walking around and no one is... afraid? Perhaps they have been believed none are living in this village. It seems that it is in the middle of celebrating something since there are some decorations up. I noticed many eyes on me as I walked through, some vampires started to whisper to one another. I'm more focused on finding their strongest vampire and to dispose them, permanently. Suddenly someone came flying past me but... it seems to be like my power. I saw that it was kids playing... flying around and with two female hedgehogs but the kids are having, fun? What is going on here? One of the children noticed me and hid behind a dull red hedgehog, who seems to be the one who has the same powers as me... telekinesis abilities. "Sorry, but time is now up." The red hedgehog announced as she started to lower the young moaning children, down to the ground. She and the blue hedgehog quickly gave their farewell to the children but stopped once the red one saw me. I suddenly realised that they are both vampires but before anything else happened a man steeped out between them and me. "I hope that you will not course any trouble while you stay." He asked while looking at me. "We prefer to keep the peace we are maintaining and not let it slip." I looked at him... he looks a bit like the young blue female hedgehog. I turned but before I could walk away, all eyes were on me... What is wrong with this village? I walked over to a nearby tree and sat in it. My eyes soon locked onto a group of hedgehogs... it was the same two girls but with that man and two male vampires. What are they talking about? Soon the red hedgehog bowed to the green male then bowing to the two blue hedgehogs. The three of them, along with the other male... bowed to her before she left, heading up to the nearby mountain.

Silvermist's P.O.V:

I made my way up the mountain, I know that I will not be going up alone for long. Of course I had to be right as I soon feel the presence of being followed... so I hid behind a nearby rock, only to see my follower passing by. In the past I had learnt how to keep myself from being detected and I still have the magic touch. After a while I emerged and appeared behind her. "You know that it is rude to do that sort of thing... wouldn't you agree, Silver?" She turned with shock on her face.
"Who are you? How did you know my name? How in chaos did you manage to sneak up on me like that? How..."
"...Did I know that you happened to be following me? I hope to not sound so rude but if you please I do have a cure to continue making." I replied before opening the emergence shelter or keep, depending how they like to call it. Silver became surprised with what just happened. "You can wait inside, out here or down in the village... it is your choice but I would like to have no interruptions while I work please." I looked over to Silver, who looked confused but also angry to me.
"WHY? SO I CAN BE YOUR NEXT VICTIM, NO THANKS!" She yelled to me before heading back down to the village. I rolled my eyes and slowly shock my head... that was so expected from one who jumps to something before gathering information, but she is also naive.

What will happen?Find out next time.

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