Twilight_fan_foeva Contest #1- Aliens

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Twilight_fan_foeva s contest on things deemed not real, like aliens. (Which I will be using for my short story!)


Hi. My name is Wren Martin. I'm just a normal girl that lives in California. I live a normal life, with my normal friends. Well, that is until I found out my best friend, was an alien.

I know you are thinking, 'aliens aren't real'. Guess again. I used to think the same thing. Now, I believe in the impossible.

My life turned upside down in one day. It all started when my best friend, Holden, and myself were on our way to a senior party. We are only sophomores, but we found out a way to get invited.

Once we got to the party, it was all fun and games. We had drinks, danced, talked, etc. But, when one senior had too much to drink, I found myself in trouble. The senior, Drake, came up to me and cornered me. He started whispering some things to me. I was a bit tipsy, so I don't remember. I asked him to leave me alone, but he wouldn't. I started yelling for help, but not many people could her me. Holden, though came to my rescue and picked Drake off of me like he was a piece of lint. It seemed so easy for him. Holden's curly brown hair bounced as walked over to me, took my hand and helped me up. I looked him in his gray eyes. I always thought it was quite strange his eyes were a silver color. But at the same time, it intrigued me. It lured me in, hypnotizing me.

"Are you okay?" He asks sweetly.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I may have a few brusies on my wrists. But other than that, I'm okay. Thank you." I smile at him.

"I think it's time to take you home." I nod at his suggestion.

We got into my car, but Holden drives because he didn't drink. As we drive across a bridge, a car coming from the other side swerves right into us. The front of the vehicle hangs off of the bridge. I look down to see water rushing. Fear builds inside me. The firefighters don't make it in time. Holden climbed to the back of the car stabilizing us.

"I am going to climb out. Okay?" He says.

"But, I will fall if you do that!"

"Just trust me." He looks me in the eyes again. I can see in his that I can trust him. I have to trust him.

"Okay." A tear slips out.

He exits the car, onto the bridge, but I feel it tip forward. Then the car falls, plummeting towards the body of water. I scream on my way down, but all of a sudden, it stops.

The car stops in midair. Looking down, I see the water, but I haven't hit it yet. Looking up, I see Holden leaning over the bridge with his hand out. He moves his hand, motioning to the bridge. The car follows, like it is being moved, controlled, by him. It gets set down, and I push open the passenger door. I fall out of the car, into Holden's arms.

"How?" I ask.

"Shhh." He says to me, putting his hand to a cut on my head.

I feel something weird, that I can't quite explain. When I touch it, there is not cut, no blood. It's healed.

"What are you? This can't be real." I say standing up.

"Wren, I'm sorry you had to find out this way." He takes my hands.

"Find what out? What is going on?"

"Come with me." He runs a little while, before we hit a woodsy area. We hide behind some trees. "Watch." He simply says. There is a bush in front of us. He holds his arm out and focus on it. Fruit begins to grow from it quickly.

I stare confused. He grabs a piece, and takes a bite.

"You can't be... an.. alien?"

"Well, I prefer not of this earth, but yes." He chuckles. "I was making a joke. But yes, I am."

"Wha- why- how- huh?" I say quickly.

"I am an alien, Wren. From a different planet."

"How is that possible?"

"Anything is possible." He says before motioning his hand towards the tree above us, making hundreds of leaves fall and dance around us. "You just have to belive in the impossible." And there he goes again, luring me into his beautiful gray eyes.

"I- don't know what to say."

He walks close to me, really close. With our bodies almost touching, he places his finger on my lips. "Then don't say anything." He whispers.

I feel dazed. My eyes almost shutting. I blink slowly. Holden grabs my hand again, and we head back to the crash scene. Two minutes later, the police finally show up. We give our statements, and are picked up by his adopted parents. I get dropped off at my house, left to think about what just happened. My best friend is an alien. It's hard to even convince my self this wasn't dream. But sure enough, it's not.

That leads us to today. (A month later.) I am the only person that knows Holden's secret. He trusts me, and there is nothing that will make me give up his secret.

I've been waiting for a few minutes now, at school for Holden. I'm finally going to tell him how I feel about him. I know he is an Alien and all, but by now, humans are over rated.

I text him to meet me in the music room, which is what he does. He walks in, and sees me. "Wren? Is everything okay?"

"I need to tell you something."

"Um, okay." He says as he walks closer to me.

"I- I Iike you, Holden. A lot."

"I like you too."

"I mean, more then a friend. I know you are an alien, but I don't care."

"And I meant it when I said I like you too. More than a friend." He waves his hand between us, pulling me closer to him. He wraps his arm around me, and I feel tingles where is skin comes in contact with mine. Then he leans into me, touching his lips to mine. When he does this, all I feel is tingling. My lips get warmer, and I see things. I see stars, suns, moons, and galaxies.

The door opens to the music room, and we quickly separate. A teacher sees us standing there. "Oh! Children, class begins in two minutes. Run along."

"Yes ma'am." Holden says, interlocking his fingers with mine.

I still can't believe I'm in love with an alien.

A/N: Hey, Rebel Readers! So there you go! Well that was interesting to write. It was kind of fun and weird at the same time. Anyway, hope you like it! Please vote and comment! Xx

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