Chapter 25

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Life has become a little different after the battle. In the few days I spent in recovery, (which I didn't truly spend "recovering"; my parents thought it would be wise to keep me cooped up and safe to make sure I was alright, even though I most definitely was) many people came and thanked me for saving their king. I was surprised at this gesture, because before, I was nothing but a social outcast. Now people came up to me, looked me in the eyes and talked to me like a real person, not a piece of filth. Many people seemed surprised that I spoke with such an educated tone, which did slightly offend me, considering I did attend school (and suffered while being there under the hand of my classmates), but I had put my offended emotions aside because they where talking to me without looking at me and spitting words at me in disgust.

It took a good while for everyone to figure out what happened; how I miraculously came back from a deadly wound after being deceased for a substantial amount of time. It wasn't until an elvish woman by the name of Addonneniel came to visit Erebor that we found an answer. When I first saw her, she seemed familiar. My mother told me she was the one who had originally made sure I was not killed by the Uruloki poison. After thanking her, we sat down and she explained what had happened to me.

When I was struck with the axe and I bled, the poison was released through my blood leaving my body. As the poison left, it released from my body, and the effects of it faded. When enough poison was gone from me that it no longer effected me, I was a new person; my old self. The only reason I was resurrected is because of that transformation to a new person, and the poison's release of its hold on me. This also explained why my eyes were back to their normal appearance, and I was no longer immune to flames (I tested this, and it ended with a blistering welt on my left index finger). I'm still a little foggy as to what happened, and it doesn't make much sense to me, but nonetheless I am glad that I am no longer under the wrath of the Uruloki poison.

After my parents allowed me to finally walk through the halls, I was pleasantly surprised at the change in the dwarves attitude not only towards me, but towards my mother. They greeted us with a smile instead of a scowl, they called, "Hello!" To us instead of whispering harshly at us, and they would look towards us instead of away from us. Words can't describe how glad I am that I am finally being treated as I had always imagined.

Today was the day of the banquet to honor the dead, and I was preparing myself in front of the mirror in my room. Instead of having to wear Thorin's unbearable dress of choice, I got to wear something a little bit more my style to this gathering. Contrasting the dark blue, thick velvet dress I wore at Thorin's wedding, I wore a light cream colored dress made of a light, silky material. A belt went across my waist, made of leather and tooled to picture Mirkwood forest. My hair was braided down my back, a braided headband over my forehead. I wore elvish style sandals, though I would have wished to go without, but my mother said I wasn't allowed to wear no shoes to a large, public event, much to my dismay.

For once in my life, I wasn't nervous to go to a gathering of the kingdom, because the judgement of its people is now not as bad. When my mother, father and I walked out the door, I was not the least bit nervous, and when I walked into the banquet hall where thousands of dwarves were siting and eating merrily, I held my head high and nodded at dwarves who waved at me. My new-found confidence made me so much happier, as there has never been a time in my life until now where I have been proud of who I am.

After sitting down at a table with the company and Thorin's advisors and having a bite to eat, I watched Thorin stand up and bang his hand on the table, making the glasses quake and the plates rattle. At this, every one looked up towards their king. Thorin quickly adjusted his crown and cleared his throat.

"We are gathered here in remembrance of those who fought and died for this kingdom in this recent battle. Though the orcs did catch us by surprise, we still pulled through in the end, taking the victory for Erebor. Although we won, we payed a price for this victory, in the lives of our fellow dwarves. May each one rest in peace and may their legacy live on in the lives and actions of their family and friends. We will forever be in debt to them and will never be able to repay them for their ultimate sacrifice for their people." A roar erupted from the people of Erebor as people pumped there fists in the air and shouted in celebration of victory and honor for the dead. After allowing time for applause and cheers, Thorin beckoned for everyone to quiet down, and they did so surprisingly quickly.

"I would also like to acknowledge a special individual who performed outstandingly in defending our kingdom, and gave up her life to defend her king." My heart started racing and my palms turned sweaty at the acknowledgement of my story. "Areth," he asked, looking at me, "Will you please stand?" I nodded quickly, gingerly standing up at my seat. "This girl gave her life to defend me." Thorin said, walking my way. "Though I treated her terribly, blamed her for incidents she didn't cause and denied her warnings of an upcoming Orc attack that most definitely ended up happening, she still sacrificed herself. Although we are lucky and through the most miraculous circumstances, she is still here with us today, her sacrifice will always be remembered."

My heart was beating so loud I could barely hear anything, and I fiddled nervously with my fingers, cheeks burning a bright red. "Areth?" He asks, prompting me to look up to him. "I am sorry, for I have wronged you and offended you in so many ways. You did not deserve such harsh and terrible treatment. You have a heart of gold and are filled with the fire of loyalty and bravery. You stand on good morals and will become a great young woman one day. I am guilty of treating you cruelly and you are not deserving of that treatment. Areth? Will you forgive me?"

"Yes." I said quickly, not even have to thinking about how I wanted to respond. "I forgive you." Thorin smiled and embraced me, and I gladly embraced him back. When we broke from the hug, the crowd started cheering and some chanted my name. A blush formed on my cheeks at this notion, but a huge grin was plastered on my face. As the cheering reached my ears, my heart felt fuller than it ever had before. Everything I have wanted in life I finally had. People who accept me and a great-uncle who I finally have the approval of. I tried so hard, fought so bravely and put up with things no child should put up with, and finally, my prize had been awarded to me. All the whispers, all the hatred and all of the tears and sleepless nights due to thought about what a disappointment I am were erased as soon as I embraced Thorin and the cheering started. For once in my life, I am now happy with who I am. My mixed blood no longer defines me, and I am free from stereotypes and misjudgment.

I am a royally born, half elf-half dwarf, who fights with a sword and a bow. I am a loyal citizen of Erebor who fights for her people and her king. I am a girl who used her differences for the better, even though they were placed in me to do the worst. I am a lover of people and a person of high moral standards. I am stronger from what I have been through and I am sturdy enough to endure more. I am a daughter of parents who love me very much. I am a survivor. I am a warrior. I am a hero.

This is me.

And for once in my life, of that I am proud.

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