Chapter 8

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When my eyes open, it takes me a few moments to gather where I am. I recall the events that happened earlier with King Thranduil and my mothers friend Legolas. After letting my body adjust to being awake, I get up and walk around my room. I peel off my clothes that are dirtier than they seemed earlier, and take a warm, relaxing bath. After drying myself off and wringing out my long hair, I open the closet and find a lovely elven dress. It is made of a soft green colored velvet, with sleeves that brush the floor. Being my clumsy self, I stepped on them minutes from putting the dress on. I run a brush through my ruby red hair and twist two small braids along the sides of my head, joining them in the back.

I open the closet and stare at myself in the mirror on the back of the door. I feel like a true elf. I tuck my hair behind my ear, and now I don't only feel like one but look like one as well, minus my stature.
I close the closet door at the sound of a knock. "Areth?" a voice says. It's mother. I run to the door and open it. My mother is dressed in a dress finer than mine. Silver threads run intricate patterns over white silk, and crystals outline her waist and neckline. Her hair is braided with thin braids, forming a flower on the back of her head. She looks gorgeous. "Mother" I say, my eyes tracing the beaded bodice of her dress. "You look gorgeous". "As do you" mother says, smiling at me. "It's time for dinner with Thranduil" she says, worry laced through her words. We start down the halls, our footsteps echoing against the cool stone.

Mother looks nervous and I try to find the source of it. "Is the King finally going to tell you why you are here?" I question, trying to keep up with the long strides of my mother; me trying to catch up on my dwarf-proportionate legs. "Yes" she says, and then reveals nothing more. We keep twisting through passages, mother leading the way. We finally reach the vast dining hall of the king. Marble pillars line the walls and the ceiling is glass, revealing the brilliant night skies. A long stone table sits in the center of the room, Thranduil sitting at the head of the table with Legolas at his right side. Other well known and important elves sit at the table, but the seat next to Legolas and the chair on the left side of Tranduil are vacant.

Almost immediately after we enter the room, we are greeted by servants who usher us to our chair. I am seated next to Legolas. I feel him glare at me, but I do what my mother does and look straight ahead. After we are seated, servants bring out our plates, practically piled to the ceiling with many delicious foods. There is turkey legs, mashed potatoes with gravy, and warm bread with a crispy, sweet crust. Many other foods lay on the plate, ones I have never seen or tried before. I sample everything on the plate, already full after a bite of everything. I set my fork down, defeated by the huge plate in front of me. After eating for a while, Thranduil sets down his utensil and clears his throat.

We all look in his direction, ready to receive the message he is about to deliver. "Tauriel" he says, "I have brought you back here to ask for your return to Mirkwood". Mother nods slowly, staring at her plate. "I was thinking you would come here alone, not with her" he says, glaring at me. "And not married to the dwarf I thought perished". Mother looks around the room, tapping her fingers on the table. "I will return on one condition" she firmly states. A smile parts on Thranduil's face. Legolas reaches across the table and takes Mother's hand, which she yanks out of his and stands up. "If Kili and Areth may come with me".

Thranduil's smile vanishes. "I knew you wouldn't want to leave your wretched family" he retorts. "We were going to restore you to your position as Captain of the Guard" Legolas says, "we really need you here". "I know but my duties lie with my family" mother says, "and I will never leave them, no matter what life will throw my way". "Tauriel, it is better here. You will not be the only elf, and everyone will accept you. You will be Captain of the Guard again; you will have a job. The Woodland Realm is your home." Thranduil says, trying to persuade my mom to return. I know she won't budge. "Home is where my family is and they won't be here" states mother.

Thranduil has a look if defeat on his face. He knows she has won. "Well if you aren't going to stay and return to the Guard, may you at least stay for tonight and let us send you off with a full stomach tomorrow morning" Legolas says, looking towards his father for approval. Thranduil nods. "We are disappointed you are not staying with us Tauriel" Thranduil says. Mother just nods and smiles. Elf maids escort us back to our rooms.

I peel off my dress and slip on my clothes from home, which I found clean and folded on my bed. I unbraid my hair and climb into the sheets. Tomorrow I am going home. I haven't been away for longer than a few days, but I miss it. Even though nobody accepts me there, I miss father and I miss my own bed. Even though it is no where near as big and comfortable as the one here, but it's comforting. My eyelids get heavy and I try and stay awake. I'm glad my mother did not agree to stay. Me and father would miss her very terribly. After thinking about today's happenings for a few more minutes, I let myself drift off to sleep.

AN- So I was cast as Babette (the seductive French feather duster) in Beauty and the Beast! So I have rehearsal everyday because I am a lead role and in an acro dance number (yes I can do a cartwheel with no hands which is called am aerial and a backflip) so I'm gonna start pre writing chapters so you guys will still get updates...oh! And sorry I didn't update for a while! Didn't seem like it had been that long ago!

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