Chapter 7

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Mother runs to embrace the elf, and he quickly hugs her back. His eyes show a look of surprise yet relief. "Tauriel. I have missed you" he says, pulling away from the embrace and grabbing her hands, looking into her eyes. "I have missed you to Legolas" she says, pulling her hands from his and entwining her fingers together nervously. He looks confused for a moment, then looks over mothers shoulder, directly at me.

He takes a minute to study my features; the chiseled, porcelain cheeks, my pointed ears and my long, soft auburn hair, all features of an elf. But it doesn't take him long to notice my short stature and the sheaths of my daggers crafted by dwarves. At this a look of disgust covers his face and he looks away from me. "Tauriel, you have been staying with the dwarves!" He yells, throwing his hands in the air in disbelief. "And you have brought one with you!" He says, outraged. "But she is not full dwarf. Her looks suggest part elf. YOU HAD A CHILD WITH A DWARF!". Mother winces at his reaction. "Legolas, you told me the night before that battle that you cared about me, and that if I was happy you were too. I married Kili because that is what made me happy" mother says, "and I hope you realize Areth makes me happy to".

I walk to mothers side and stand there, showing her that I am thankful for her standing up for me today, not only against her friend but again the ruler of the elves. Legolas closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths, releasing his anger through deep exhales. He loosens his hands, which were clenched into fists, his knuckles white and fingers red. He takes my mother into another hug. "I'm sorry Tauriel. It's just. It's just...." . "It's ok Legolas. I accept your apology" mother says. I sit there awkwardly, fiddling with my fingers and tapping my foot on the floor. "I'm going to my room now" mother says, letting go of her friend. "I will see you later tonight, after I get some rest" she says, looking to me and gesturing to follow the elven maids.

"Tauriel" Thranduil says, making mother turn around. "I invite you to dinner tonight. Rest and clean yourself up, and meet in the dining hall at sunset" he says, tossing his hair over his shoulder. "Yes my Lord" she says, bowing her head slightly, then following the elven maids gesturing us towards our rooms. They bring us down a dark hall, lit by only torches and the lanterns held by the maids. They show me and my mother to two different rooms, side by side to each other. "Get some rest" is all mother says before opening her door, walking in a softly closing the door behind her.

The two maids leave, smiling at me then walking away. Once they have cleared the corner I twist my knob, opening the door to my room. The room has a large bed, covered in fluffy blankets and pillows, with a nightstand holding a candle beside it. The corner has a tub, which after testing, has hot and cold water. The other side of the room has a bookshelf, that after further inspection, only has books written in elvish. I can speak and understand little elvish, but reading it is a whole other story. I have problems reading even the common language father tried to teach me to read. I am working in dwarfish and can only read my name and a few simple words.

After inspecting the room, I take my dagger belt off and place it on the bench at the foot of my bed along with my bow, arrows and shoes. My eyelids start getting heavy, weighed down with sleep, so I quickly pull off my leather vest, tugging at the laces twisted up my front, loosening it enough to slip it over my head. I pull up the soft covers, quickly running my fingers over the silky sheets before climbing in. With my body embraced by the blankets and my head buried in a plush pillow, I close my eyes. As fast as my head hit the pillow, I am fast asleep.
AN- do you all think my chapters should be longer? I can make them longer of you would like:)

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