Chapter One

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The first thing he heard that morning was banging on his bedroom door. Adrien registered the noise and opened one eye, his pupil dilating from the adjustment in light. He groans and checks his phone still having his head on his pillow. He looks at the time and shoots up.

"Are you going to open the door?" He hears Nathalie say in a flat tone.

"Yeah let me get ready!" He calls back and grabs his clothes.

He hears footsteps leave so he realizes she left. He runs over to the bathroom and looks in the mirror.

Plagg came over and laughed. "You look like you just got run over by Rodger Cop or something."

"Yeah thanks Plagg, i feel like that too," He groans and finishes up brushing his teeth then runs downstairs.

Right as he was about to leave, he sees a man covered in, was that ice?

"We have to transform," Adrien sighs and Plagg looks up at him, "I dont think this is a good ideaaah!"

Plagg gets sucked into the ring and he transforms. He grabs his baton and jumps on top of the building to meet Ladybug at the usual destination. Just a couple houses before he gets there, he feels a sharp pain flare in his head and he stops abruptly on top of the building. He puts a hand on his head and closes his eyes for a moment.

He feels a hand place on his shoulder and he spins around causing the headache to become worse.

"You alright?" Ladybug looks at Chat with worry and he changes his expression.

"Im feline great bugaboo," He does his wink and puts on a Cheshire like grin, until you can see his face change back to pain and he pinches the bridge of his nose.

"I dont think so, you for sure dont look okay," She gets closer to him and places the back of her hand above his mask, feeling his forehead.

"I've just been feeling a little under the weather. Nothing to worry about LB." He tells her, her warmth radiating off her. It makes him shiver a little.

She puts her hand down and crosses her arms. "You mean you are feeling so far under you have officially hit the core. You are burning up!"

"Thanks for the compliment m'lady," Chat answers then coughs into his elbow.

"I did not mean it like that. Anyways we have to get you home. You cant be out fighting in this state, and if you have school today, you are definitely not going there either."

Chat sighs, and nods. He hears a beeping noise and looks to see that his energy in his ring is going down.

"I better go anyways, my identity might be perished if i stay any longer,"

She nods, "We wouldn't want that silly kitty,"

He smiles at the nickname and leaps off, and gladly his headache soothed a little. Ladybug must have given him some luck.

He transforms back into Adrien as he reaches the school and grabs his bag. she said Chat Noir couldn't go to school, not Adrien. He runs into class late and apologizes quickly before sitting down. Marinette must have just arrived as well, because she was taking the notes on the board while the others put there stuff away.

The whole school day was just a daze for him, and it went almost as normal as any day would. Marinette was actually getting better with talking to him, gladly, and so in science thats all that happened. Gym was exhausting, but nothing he couldnt do. Same old until social studies.

"We have to assign partners. Wait, this time i will give you a choice. Choose one partner and finish the project by Monday. Have a nice weekend," The class gets up and chooses partners. Adrien just sat at his desk with Nino, head him his hands, slowly rubbing his temples wishing for the world to focus.

Pur-itty Sick (ML Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang