Introducing: Dark Link

Começar do início

"Uh y/n?" He would ask "hmm?" Was all that you would respond with "did I do something wrong?" You would shake your head "are you feeling okay?" Another head shake "well what's wrong?" You simply pointed at your self and then the bathroom, it took him a few few moments but he finally got what you meant


Being Official/first kiss:

You two were watching a horror movie. Did you want to? No. Did Dark want to? Absolutely.

You were currently clutching your pillow for dear life while Dark stared at you amused. One particular jumpscare made you squeak and jump into Darks lap which surprised him at first but he chuckled and kissed your lips, making you blush and him smirk.

Lazy day:

You and Dark were laying on your bed doing absolutely nothing "Dark?" "Yes y/n?" "I'm bored" he sighed "then do something"

You pout "fine" you were about to get up and do something, but Dark pulled you against his chest.

"You didn't let me finish. Then do something like cuddle me"

You blushed but snuggled your face into him "fine"

He gets *ahem* excited:

You were trying to choose a dress for yours and Darks date, and when you were looking at yourself in a tight red dress that went to your knees, Dark walked in.

"Hey babe are you almost...done?" Dark froze once he saw the dress but then smirked "My, my isn't that a nice dress"

You blushed and turned away from him "I don't think I'm gonna wear it for the date, it feels a bit to revealing"

Dark's smirk got even wider and he walked up to you and forced you to look at him "well I like it"

He then forced his lips onto yours and that's when you felt something poke you. "Dark-" "I know darling"

He catches you singing:

You were singing "hello" by Adele while cleaning your house. Dark walked in while you weren't looking and he couldn't help but smirk as you hit all the notes. You turned around and nearly fell down when you saw Dark "w-when-" "a few minutes sound great babe" Dark then left, leaving you a blushing mess

You have super powers:

Dark link didn't know how the hell you did it. But you always got your way with him, it's like whenever you wanted something, he'd give it to you, even if he didn't want to, he'd do it

"Dark can you buy me food?" "Of course dear"

"Dark pass me the remote" "sure"

"Dark-" "okay what the hell are you doing?"

You looked at him confused "what do you mean?" Dark threw his hand up into the air "I don't even know! It's like everything you tell me to do something, I can't help but do it!"

You laughed nervously "about that" he looked at you "I may have the power to persuade anyone to do what I ask...heh heh heh"

He stared at you for a second
"Let's go to the bank"

You accidentally hurt yourself:

You were walking home from the grocery store when you tripped and scrapped your knee. You didn't think much of it, but to Dark he acted like you had broken your leg. "What happened? Does it hurt? Do you need a bandaid? Should I take you to-"

"Dark I'm fine" "but-" "Shut up"


Hello! Sorry that I took so long to update but I hope you enjoyed this (LATE) Valentine's Day special!

And very soon I'm going to Hawaii!  So next chapter I'm probably gonna write something Hawaii inspired ^0^

Also!!! This book is over a year old!!! I published my first chapter and February 1st!! *pops confetti canon* yay! *dances weirdly*

Another thing!

Dark: when will it end

My birth day it on the 28th! Honestly I probably won't feel older but whatever

Dark link: is it always like this?

Everyone: yep

And one more thing! I changed my user from unicorn_girl_567 to BubbleTeaBts so don't be alarmed if you don't see unicorn girl anymore


Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenarios! [complete]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora