Ze Date <3

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Slenderp (Slender: child please don't call me that. Me: I CAN CAN CALL YOU WHATEVER I WANT ISH MAH STORY. Slender: *long deep sigh* me: ANYWAY):

He took you into the woods for a romantic candlelit picnic. you wore a (f/c) knee length dress with white lace details and (f /c) wedges

(me: sorry if you don't like the outfit you can change it if you want to)

When you two finished eating, you sat in a tree watching the sunset. Then watching the stars.


Jeff: You got dressed in (favourite/outfit) and did you hair in a (hair/style), and you waited.... and waited and waited and waited and waited...until FINALLY he showed up out of breath and panting.

"*pant* sorry *pant* that I'm *pant* late" he says

"....Umm it's okay should we go now or do you want to catch your breath first" you say awkwardly

"No I'm good lets go" he said now that he's caught his breath.

You nod and you to go to the restaurant Jeff had made reservations for.

BEN Drowned
You two were going to go to the theaters to watch a movie you wore something casual but cute at the same time.
--------time skip of awesomeness-----

He picked you up and you went to the theater buuuuttttt little did he know the movie had something to do with water and it was in 3D..... Yeah he ran out of the theater faster than you could say unicorns...

You two decided to just a have a nice walk in the park.....Buuuuutttt you guys got chased away,
Flash back.
'Hoodie! Let's go play on the playground,' you say childlike, he nods and you two end up playing on it buuuuuttttt hoodie broke the cheap swing that they had and a police man chased you away from the park.

You two decided to stay home and bake....nothing could go wrong...right?


He ended up getting cake batter in your hair so you flung icing at him and it became a full out cake war......but it was fun.

Sonic. EXE
You guys went to the mall and he bought you stuff ignoring all of your protests.

Sure he was being nice buying you a bunch of stuff but, where did he get all the money?

Ticci Toby
You two had a very simple date. the two of you walked around town looking at the different stores, and trying different types of food

(Me:Foooooooddddd *le drool*)

You two just stayed home and had a movie marathon. it was a good date but he just had to get popcorn in your hair....two words: popcorn. war

Silver surprised you with a cute picnic in the your backyard (if you don't have a backyard then...*waves magical wand* POOF now you do )

He had lied out a picnic blanket and he even made (y/f/f)!and when the sun went down you two star gazed :)

Oml this is so short and so bad I am so sorry

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