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So this chapter is to just clear up the air and tell why I have not published since Thursday.

On Friday, I was getting ready for my Show Choir event that was on Saturday, so I did not get a chance to publish. On Saturday, I had to leave at 9:20 AM to start the day of my show choir event. This event took place for the whole day until  about 9:00 PM. You might be thinking, "but Abbie? Why couldn't you just publish the chapter afterwards?" (My name is Abbie, if you didn't know) I was tired and my feet were hurting, you have to understand that I have a life too!

On Sunday, I would have published if it weren't for "Family Day." I have a family day every Sunday. My family had just started this idea and we went to Chuck E. Cheese's (Creepy!) for most of the day.

I am terribly sorry but that's the way it is. I am going to start writing a chapter right after this. Expect for a new chapter to come!! Also, sorry if this is really short.

I hope you understand! Keep reading and writing, everyone! Stay in school kids :). Be nice to one another and have a good day.

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