"They have her on every News channel across the country," Charlie says. "And if that isn't enough, the Feds recently gave a statement saying they are going through all their records, hoping to identify her. They'll know who she is soon enough, and people on the streets will tell the Feds about her, if they haven't already. They'll do anything for some money. Oh yeah, there's a price of five grand hanging over her head, too, might I add," Charlie sounds apprehensive, and I hear Kane sigh.

  "Charlie, there's nothing I can do about it. I've tried, and I didn't get anywhere. Our only hope now is Paul breaking into the News broadcast so that we can filter out some Year Movement propaganda. That's the only thing we can do about all of this right now," Kane stops, and I imagine him thinking over what else to share with Charlie. "She'll want to be involved you know."

  "Then tell her no," Charlie says roughly. "Tell her no, and make sure she doesn't get involved. It's going to be dangerous Kane. From here on out, we are on the move. We can't turn around now. The Year Movement is in full swing. This is finally happening, and all we're doing is sitting here and waiting."

  "This kind of stuff takes time Charlie," Kane says wearily. "And I think you could use a great big dose of patience. And maturity. You've been lacking that lately," Kane says, and I find myself agreeing with him.

  "Like when?" Charlie asks, and I can almost see him crossing his arms across his chest defiantly.

  "Aside from now?" Kane asks rhetorically, then continues. "Well, earlier when you pushed yourself on Felisha, when she obviously wasn't comfortable. That's one thing."

  "Oh come off it Kane," Charlie taunts. "You're just jealous that I got to kiss a pretty girl and you didn't."

  "I'm definitely not jealous of you right now Charlie. You knew better than to accept Paul's dare, and yet you followed through. You let your own wants drown out your common sense. When we do that, we lose sight of what's important, and slip up. You need to keep your head focused, no matter what you may be feeling for her, understand?"

  Charlie laughs, and a chill runs down my spine. "I understand, but let me be perfectly clear your highness you only partially run this show. I sit pretty up too, and I'm tired of you critiquing every little thing I do. So yeah, I kissed Felisha. Big deal. It's not like I'm the one who almost ran and tattled to the Feds. That was a lack of maturity."

  I feel a lump in my throat. Charlie's just mad, he doesn't mean anything he's saying. I hear Kane stand, and then I hear a thump against the wall, then a crash as someone falls to the ground. I can only imagine that it's Charlie.

  "She got us out of that place, which is more than you did. You went to that party and got drunk and decided to flirt with the Government Leader's daughter. She made a mistake, but she fixed it. Now how about you go fix some of yours?" Kane says.

  I run back to my room, shutting the door and I set Amelia down in her crib, just before I hear a faint knocking on the wooden door.

  "I overheard everything," I say to Charlie, deciding to tell him the truth. "And you, my friend, have some explaining to do."

  "I'm sorry about what I said," Charlie says. "It wasn't for you to hear anyway."

  "Well that doesn't change much," I say. "I still heard it, and it still hurt. Out of everyone here, you're the last person I would've ever thought capable of saying that."

  "I was just mad," Charlie says, already beginning to act defensive. "I didn't even mean what I said. I just wanted to get at Kane."

  "Considering how close you two are, I'm shocked by how much you guys like to push each other's buttons. He really does try his best, Charlie, in every way. You may not know everything he does behind the scenes, but you should appreciate them anyway," I say, pausing, waiting to see if Charlie will say anything.

Year 6 (First Draft) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now