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"Hey," a faint male voice echoed in Gwen's head, her arm was shaken gently. Their hand was warm. Warm with a certain compassion, Gwen could feel it. Max, it had to be Max. She knew it was Max by the gentle touch of their hand, but it was too small to be his, unless her perception was off due to everything being mentally foggy.

"I think she's waking up?" the voice seemed to zero in again, close to her. No. This wasn't Max. Where are you? Open your eyes, Gwen. Feel around you. She did what she thought. She felt what she was laying on. Bed sheets. Wait, bed sheets? They were soft to the touch, they felt too clean like there was left over starch left in the fabric. Stiff-ish and soft-ish. Hospital. She was in the hospital again after a usual fall from her clumsiness or fainting after having a strong connection with someone through an odd sixth sense that was overwhelming.

Opening her eyes slowly, the light above her drilled into her retinas. It was a burning pain, a shocking pain, as if she had grown up in a cave all her life and this was the first time she was witnessing the thing people called light. Gwen quickly covered her eyes with her forearm and rolled over to her side. The sound of her ribs creaked with her sudden movement. A small cry developed in her throat. The pain from the car accident rushed into her body all at once. The familiar feeling of a broken collar bone ached, shooting pain throughout the front of her right shoulder.

"Hey, hey. Easy there girl," a female voice was soft and warm. The female voice placed a comforting hand on the back of Gwen's head, gently smoothing out her hair. Sympathy transferred from the female's hand, reassuring everything would be okay. Gwen wasn't sure why the person would be so caring towards her. Gwen turned her head, cautiously squinting open her eyes to look where she was, trying not to almost impair her vision once again.

A female sat on the bed side, next to Gwen. Gwen examined the girl. She sat rather slumped over with her bleach blonde straight hair nearly falling messily on her shoulders. The blonde color was almost bleach blonde, possible similar to a peach rather than sickly white. She had caramel brown soothing eyes, freckles coated from cheekbone to cheekbone. Gwen looked at her extremely slim figure, the girl's collarbones were easily distinguishable.

Gwen can feel the other emotions of two others in the room. She turned to head and her eyes shot over to the other two males standing at the foot of her bed. One was crossing their arms, his messy mop of black hair nearly covered his sea blue eyes. A scar stretched across his right temple to the corner of his lip, nearly looking like the Joker. A smirk emerged from Gwen's lips, trying to stifle back her quirky opinion in her head. He was leaning against the wall.

Her eyes trailed over to the second male, who was behind the girl with the peachy hair. His hair was a fading Ariel red, most likely dyed with Manic-Panic or some bright hair dye found at an alternative store. His eyes were similar to an emerald green with a fleck of amber. His hair resembled the first guy's, mop-like. Both of their bodies were built almost similar to the female's, slim but solid. Their bones seemed to poke out from underneath their skin, with a small hint of muscle.

They all nearly looked fragile to the touch, but Gwen could feel their strong energies. It was rather an odd thing to feel, it was as if they gave off this certain vibe that she was only able to feel from her mother. They seemed to be close in age with Gwen, maybe a year older at the most.

Something about the three of these strangers was alluring to Gwen. She wasn't quite sure what to think of it, but curiosity got to her. She had to find out what had happened and if these people had any idea of what happened. Especially to them, and how long they've been here. Looked like that. Anything to understand if this was real life or just a dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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