Let The Games Begin

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An evil grin crept across my face as I ran downstairs, Jase was going to pay. This was just the beginning. My tight  silky dress clung to my body, illuminating each and every curve. It was a little more...revealing than I had anticipated, so much so that my black lacy bra could be seen slightly, it did add to the effect though.

Plastering a fake grin on my face I answered the door to a beaming Jase. He certainly looked the cat that had got the cream, not that that would last for long. Politely, I invited Jase in and ushered him into the lounge. The expression on his face read uneasy, he was probably wondering where my parents were. They were in fact at the cinema, they had actually told since we were on speaking terms once again, I didn't plan on telling him that just in case he got any funny ideas.

"I'm so glad you text Aimee. I wanted to talk to you," Jase stated confidently.

He wouldn't be quite so confident when I'd finished with him, I was sure of that. An innocent smile appeared on my face, I had to be in character for this to work.

"Sure go on Jase," I encouraged.

"I really enjoyed that Friday, it was...nice. I thought that you thought so, but I've seen you with those other guys. I do have feelings too you know."

It was all I could do not to slap him around the head, how dare he try and act like the hurt one. It was me only a few weeks before that it had been me crying my eyes out, over him. He really had some cheek!

"Don't think that Jase I really enjoyed it, more than you'll know. I was just a bit taken aback when you said you didn't want a relationship that's all," I said trying to sound as convincing as I could.

"That's what I wanted to talk about. Seeing you with those other jerks made me realise you should be with me. Aimes will you go out with me?" he asked.

I'll admit he did seem genuine but I had fallen for his act once before there was no chance I'd be so easily fooled again. Much to my relief the doorbell interrupted me as I was about to speak. Saved by the bell indeed!

"I'll, ermmm, I best get that," I stuttered before rushing out of the room.

Walking from the living room to the front door it hit me what Jase had actually just said. He wanted to be with me? Why did he have to be so damn confusing?

Opening the door I was surprised to see Thomas stood there a bunch of roses in his hand. Boy was he early! But he was also so sweet, taking the flowers made me feel like a mega bitch. He was just so sweet and here I was toying with him. One thing he'd gain is a life lesson, don't trust anyone. Thomas greeted me with a kiss on each cheek, as I gestured for him to come inside. Leading him to the living room I held my breath. I had invited them both here but that's where my mind went blank.

Jase nearly jumped out of his seat when he saw Thomas walk in, it was rather satisfying to see. A brainwave suddenly hit me. A party! I ran out of the room to grab my cell leaving Thomas and Jase sat in silence, glaring at each other.

'Party at mine, bring people but no jerks. Bring beer. And soon!' I sent Becky, Harvey and a few other people who I was on familiar terms with.

I just prayed my parents would be out quite late, if they knew I was throwing a party they'd hit the roof, I couldn't risk them ignoring me again. Or the whole disappointed speech. Screw it! I rummaged through the liquor  cabinet and managed to find some vodka, whiskey and some gin. Sensing the tension in the living room I grabbed three glasses and headed back, alcohol in tow.

"Who's up for a party?" I grinned not daring to look Jase directly in the eyes.

None of us spoke for at least fifteen minutes. Me and Thomas just exchanged nervous smiles, and Jase...well Jase wouldn't even look at me. Feeling like I need some courage I poured myself a drink of straight vodka. Knocking it back, I felt the alcohol burn in my throat I had grown accustomed to. My stomach soon warmed and filled me with a sense of satisfaction.

The doorbell eventually rang and I strutted to the front door, thankful to be away from the silence. Becky squealed when I opened the door to her and some other girls I recognised from school. After I had exchanged hugs with everyone and invited them in I was happier, much happier. Maybe this night wasn't going to suck. Well it certainly would, if my parents found out, which meant everyone had to be gone for one o'clock at the latest.

All that was needed now was some guys! It occurred to me that I had two in the living room but to be honest they weren't of interest to me for the rest of the night. The doorbell rang as if  answering my prayers and I couldn't rush there quick enough. Music began blaring out of the lounge when I opened the door to lots and lots of boys. Spotting Harvey amongst the group I just gave him a beaming smile before welcoming them all in.

My heart stopped beating in my chest when the last person stepped in. What the hell was he doing here? How dare he? I was about to murder Harvey with my bare hands when I realised they'd obviously just came from Harvey's brother's apartment.

That had to be the only logical explanation for Matt being here.

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